Sunday, October 3, 2010

Backpackers Diary-Day 5 "Enoshima Aquarium"

A journey about 12 hours from Hiroshima to Tokyo...banyak jugak stop.. each stop tu tak tahu pun kat mana as far as i remember all those places were very very cold.. atas bukit agaknya... sejukksss. Sampai at the same spot... in front of the unique building around 8 am. Walked towards Shinjuku eki. Our bus to Sendai is at 5.30 pm. Baik cari tempat awal2 kan.. dah jumpa bus platform and keep our baggage, freshen up and had our breakfast. Ada beberapa jam sebelum jam 5. I wanted to go to the aquarium, nak tengok dolphin show.... and we headed to Enoshima, tapi island ni tak perlu naik boat sebab ada undergorund passage that we can walk through... tapi kami tak sempat pergi pun enoshima, cuma sempat pergi ke aquarium je which is situated by the enoshima beach.
 eye of Shinjuku... teringat the eye lotr plak hehe...
 entrance to Enoshima Aquarium
 located by the beach...ramai orang surfing tapi ombak tak besar mana pun... full of people, tempat ni sangat happening...
 the biggest aquarium...
 mr crabby...besar kan? suka tengok colorful corals...
 mr jelly fishy...nice to see, danger to touch hehe.. over acting plak!
 ada dolphin show di sini...really looking forward...for that show...
 jenguk dolphin sebelum show smart!
 yeay boleh shake hand dengan dolphin... apa lagi i wont ,iss the opportunity... the fees was 500 yen
 mr dolphin up close and personal...seronok!..sempat pat sikit badan dia hehe...i loikkee
 i bought the picture as well.. as a memory meeting mr dolphy...
 my love's turn..tapi my love tak beli pun gambar tu sebab dia lupa nak posing...
 good fishy....
 tengah tunggu show start..jum snap2...
 it's getting crowded... baru ingat nak snap gambar ticket... hanya bayar entrance je, and can watch the dolphin shows for free as many time you like...
 and the show started, they introduced each one of the dolphins tapi lupa la nama mereka huhu... cepat sangat mereka cakap...
 it jumps up to the surface bila dipanggil..kawaiii ne...
 siap yang duduk depan memang akan kena percikan air tu... nasib baik my love and i duduk atas sikit...
 the biggest dolphin..memang besaaarrr sangat...sekali tengok macam ala2 whale, hehe...kecik sikit dari whale...
 swim with dolphin....just hold tightly at the fin...
 comel la kamu!
 renang berirama hehe..gurau je... apapun show tu sangat love and i really enjoyed it a lot!
 the surfers...
 ambil angin pantai sebelum balik... gambar bawah tu enoshima..tak sempat pergi...kalau air surut boleh jalan kat tengah2 tu untuk ke pulau, kalau tak just use the underground passage...
posing depan enoshima eki sebelum balik...sob2...

Alhamdulillah...syukur percutian my love and i berjalan lancar... cuaca pun ok love and i had so much fun, and now it's time to work hard again at the lab, ada masa, ada rezeki boleh jalan2 lagi insyaAllah... lepas ni dah tak ada cerita cuti2...cerita2 lab ajelah...huhu...till then...


Kekanak Osaka said...

wah wah...serious jelous tengok Hanis jalan2 merata2. Tapi zannen la tak masuk enoshima. Enoshima tu basically the most perfect spot tuk dating. memang built tuk couples. last time I went with a guy friend and agak rasa kekok pergi sana berdua.haha.

H A N S said...

huhuhuh..syoknyer!! thanks hanis for the stories mories..hehehe :)

Hanis MY said...

Zeti...hallu dear, yup ada masa tapi a bit rush hour la, lagipun my hubby kata tak best mana pun based on the pamphlets yang dia tengok, i wanted to go, maybe next time...maknanya next summer la kut huhuhu... takpe nanti nk g dgn zeti hehe..bley?

Honey! u r most welcome my dear... seronok sharing2 ni and 1 day i can also read back citer2 tu hehe...

Anonymous said...

uh... jeles nye tgk u jmpe dolphin.. ehehe.. mest best gle.. mujur u x terjun brenang ngn mreka.. =p

Hanis MY said...

Nisa Syayang nanti i bawa u jumpa en dolphin k! dekat je dengan tokyo...


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