Saturday, February 21, 2009

Permata Hati kami...

Sounds fishy huh..r we expecting?? ada rezeki..but it's about our kuruma(car). Alhamdulillah.. at last, kami dapat beli kereta under our budget. We really need one. After considering the pros and cons we decided to buy a car. We saw some nice car advertisements around kaikan and narrowed down to two. Either vitz 2001 or honda civic 1998. The owner of vitz cannot negotiate with our price range, so we ended up choosing honda civic 1998. Luckily the onwer bagi kelonggaran and boleh bayar ansur 2 kali yeyy..the price is 130,00o yen if convert to current rate maybe its about RM5100. But the price is including "shaken" so it is 190,000 yen about RM7600. The owner also told us all the procedures and he even bring my love to places that we need to go to settle it. Here goes the procedure..
Firstly we need to have inkan/hankou..sort of cop mohor gitu..ada our name in romaji. After that we need to register it at kuyakusho (city hall) and get a certificate that we have registered the inkan. After that at the same place we need to apply for alien certificate (proof that we already did the alien registration).
Secondly, since we live at kaikan (under Tohoku univ.) so we need to get parking application at kaikan via kyomu (office at Tohoku univ). The kyomu will forward it to kaikan office. Kaikan office will go through and give several document for us and we need to send it to the police station. We need to pay for the application form and wait 4 days and the police will check kewujudan parking tu yang dah sememangnya wujud..sort of verification..huu muzukashi (difficult) desu ne.
Lepas dah setel polis..baru boleh ke rikuunkyoku untuk registration iaitu pertukaran nama from old owner to new owner. Memandangkan kereta sudah dishaken so taklah rumit mana...hmm what is shaken? is a compulsery procedure..every 2 years a car need to undergo an inspection sort of puspakom la kut..also at rikuunkyoku..once passed this shaken baru la boleh renew road tax, pay government plak ada during shaken pastu another one private insurance which we have to pay monthly. Lepas tu ada yearly tax plak.. hmm..banyak kan...lepas ni really have to budget out everything..menurut rakan2 malaysia di sini, procedurenya memang rumit mcm ni since they wanted to control penggunaan kereta..for the sake of the environment so they made this strict procedure...akhirnya dah setel semua thanks to the previous onwer yang telah mengajar kami segala selok belok membeli kereta di japan are some snaps of love dengan kereta tu..he..simbolik juga plat num kereta ni.. 28.27 coincidentally, this year i'm going to be 28 and love is going to be sesuai sgt la nombor tu..hehe..kat atas tu plak kanji for miyagi perfecture and 5 tu maknanya kereta di bawah 2000 cc...

snow yang lebat n somewhere around sanjo machi (really small road)

Kuruma desu


alice in wonderland said...

wah dah beli kete.. panjang la langkah tu nnt. jgn smp msia lak dah la. haha.. best je stereng kanan. cni kiri, kekok nak bawak kete

Hanis MY said...

tu la seb bek belah kanan tapi jalan sini kekok sketcam skima gaban gitu.. kena la biasa2kan coz nak amek lesen kat sini plak..huu

IzanJay said...

Bagus dah ada keta!Bley jalan2 lagi!!

Hanis MY said...

hehe tu la akhirnya dah takyah lari2 kejar bus..balik mlm2 dalam kepenatan pastu wat eksperimen tiba2 kena tinggal cm tu jer coz nanti kena tinggal dgn bus..huu..harap2 dpt result yang lebih baik...

sabiqahT.Anuar said...

erms, perghh sounds complicated, huuuu but sonot, sonot, takyah aa nt sedei2 nak kena nek bus, huuu erms cni klu nk bli keta kena cash kot and procdur dia payah aa sket utk non-citizen- sb pakai intn'l drvg licence, huuu parah aa sket lagipon kiri, =) nt i singgah sendai lei bawa i jalan2, hanisSan =)

Hanis MY said...

okies beyeh..i menanti kedatangan u tau..erm sini pom kena cash tapi sebab beli dgn individual so bleh la nego sket..tu la sib bek belah kanan so kurang sket kekok tapi dia nyer jalan n peraturan tu mcm skima la kan huhu..


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