Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Samantha who???

Alhamdulillah tiba2 hari ni Soutome-san datang kat meja..and he said "Hanis-san, tomorrow is your birthday..." sambil menghulurkan 2 bekas biskut Hello Kitty... wow wiiii me love cookies just like cookie monster... hehe tak senonoh betul...arigatou ne Soutome-san...ほんとう に うれしい。 Hari ni hima nampaknya..sampai 3 post dalam sehari ish2..teruk betul. Last week everyday berkampung di lab sehingga pukul 1 pagi hingga 2 pagi... hari ni sengaja merilekkan diri walhal my co-sv duk push2 suruh buat experiment, tapi i have to wait 4 days for my grown solution of nanoparticles. I will do some other experiment later this evening and tomorrow and so on... as usual...
 Samantha Thavasa

Al-kisahnya...pernah ternampak Samantha Thavasa di salah satu shopping center kat bandar ni, nampak poster Beyonce menggayakan that bag...
courtesy of mr google...saw that collection ads where Kimura Takuya (known as KimTaku here) as the model..apakahh...hehe...but the ads was kawaiii....and funny...

I thought it was like other new york brand...until one day when i saw there was a sale and the promoter told me "nihon no brand". Pelik seketika...brand jepun tapi nama brand sungguh ke'barat'an. Takperla and i just ignore...until one day rasa nak find about this brand. Ohho..baru ku tahu..the founder was a Japanese and he started his debut at New York..no wonder namanya Samantha...
a brief history which i got it from the web...there are several brands which includes Samantha Thavasa New York, Samantha Thavasa, Samantha Thavasa Deluxe, Samantha Vega and a few more...
this is the latest Samantha Thavasa collection inspired by Penelope Cruz and Monica Cruz..and also inspired by Tinsley Mortimer...sophisticated and elegant...
This is Samantha Thavasa Deluxe...inspired by japanese artist Yuri Ebihara..this looks more japan style and feminine...
This is Samantha Vega..looks more funky and cute...by Jessica...yang ada sale hari tu hanya this range...quite nice...
and not to forget the purse and other accessories... kawaii ne...

Best jugak kalau ada satu koleksi brand jepun ni sebagai kenangan...eheh ayat bodek nampak... till then...


happyichigo♥ said...

dira ade nampak billboard samantha thavasa featuring takuya kimura dan beyonce kat shibuya...tak ideal langsung mereka berdua!


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