Tuesday, March 3, 2009


2 in 1. The first plan was to practice driving around Sendai..sebab tak lama lagi international license is not valid anymore and we have to take Japanese license. Alang2 practice i ajak love ke zoo..he..Dah lama sebenarnya nak ke tempat ni..i love animals and i was hoping ada panda bear..teringin sangat nak tengok in real. But there is no panda bear...red panda ada la..a bit smaller and totally different. It was a cold day..animals pun tak berapa aktif and we just snap some pictures. And then lupa nak charge battery so we only manage to snap some of it. Luckily there is one attraction..polar bear..hiperaktif and tak duduk diam and really knows how to attract people..sooo adorable..sampai sekarang pun masih teringat2 lagi aksi polar bear tu...dulu pernah ke zoo johor..when i studied in UTM tapi tak banyak haiwan and kesian tgk haiwan tu terbiar and kotor..huhu...ok back to the story...
After zuhur we headed out from home..biasa la panaskan kete dulu..last time it was full with snow..so limited nak ambil gambar kereta..so today we took some more pictures of the car..tapi comot sikit..
The zoo is called Yagiyama Zoo..dekat sangat2 from campus..so ambil same route to campus atas sket dari Faculty of Engineering around 20 mins dah sampai. Memula pening gak nak cari coz nampak signboard tapi dia tak tunjuk pun exact location of the zoo..kiri or kanan. Nampak ada small theme park near a traffic light but we just cant figure out where is the zoo..terlajak la pulak..so terpaksa cari somewhere untuk u-turn..kat sini susah nak cari tempat for u-turn coz of rumah n bangunan yang padat2 kena cari kombini shop baru ada space parking and boleh u-turn..once dah u turn and pergi balik kat traffic light tadi and nampak zoo tu sebelah theme park tu jer..huhu..entrance tak nampak macam zoo pun..cover line la tu..nasib baik ada tempat parking and off to the zoo.
This is my love's first time pergi zoo. I pernah la jugak jejakkan kaki ke zoo yang hampeh itu suatu masa dulu..so i am expecting this will be much more better..rasanya ok la jugak zoo ni..luas..bersih..tapi tak byk sangat animals..lagi satu most of the animals bermalas-malasan coz of the cold weather.takpe2 nanti musim bunga or panas pegi lagi..tgk macam mana karakter haiwan2 ni...dekat jer..anytime boleh datang.

some of the view

Yang kelakar masa tengok mr hippo a.k.a blue hyppo tmnet tu..besarnyer yg amat..pastu membelakangi visitors..dia duk sondol2 pintu..nak masuk..sejuk agaknya..tak tahan duk luar..we waited several minutes nak tengok muka dia..duk tang tu jugak..at last malas nak tunggu so we move on to other animals. Yang ada potensi untuk jadi model (camera friendly) goes to pingu and polar bear..pingu posing sisi, jeling2 and came nearer to the gate..yg polar plak tak benti2 beraksi..(action kamen sin chan miss sa..he)

kawaii polar bear

The other unforgettable would be Mr elephant...soooo okii n smart..pandai dia follow instruction and look very tame especially female..yg male tu degil sket..tapi kami cuma tengok dari cermin..not really up close..yerla dibuatnya naik minyak..huu kaki dia yang besar dan lebar tu kalau pijak mau patang tulang belakang.
I am really glad my love seems to enjoy it..igntkan dia ni tak suka haiwan..rupa-rupanya excited and "ralit" jugak dia tengok..i'm totally surprised. Kaki and tangan dah sejuk..rasa dah tawaf satu zoo..kalau belum maybe next time..we are really tired and sooo cold..plus nanti tak sempat nak solat asar.
We headed home around 3 plus..ingt nak singgah theme park..entrace fee pun dah mahal..nak main kena bayar lagi huhu..some other time la nampak gayanya..balik plak silap amek jalan jauh siap jumpa jalan shortcut exit highway ke Yamagata..mcm nak pergi ski/snowboard jer ni hehe..tapi klu nak lalu next time kompem tak ignt. Singgah Seiyu beli makanan sket and balik.. i really enjoyed my kelas memandu that day...


Anonymous said...

pn.hanis.. =)

jelesnyer tgk u g zoo......
nk g gk!!!

besh3x.. i like..

u take care.. me mish u.. =p


sabiqahT.Anuar said...

lawanya polar bear- edmonton ni nama ja byk snow, tp tak penah laa jupe lagi polar bear tu...huhuhu kena g zoo gak ni =)

Hanis MY said...

yep u should dear, mesti zoo sana lg besh..


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