Yesterday was wonderful yet a little bit tragic. I was editing my data (SEM data) and suddenly my guts told me i should ask Horimoto sensei about Hanami trip. I heard that my lab will do Hanami trip but i dont know when and where. Horimoto sensei told me that Mori-san, Ishida-san and Kajimoto sensei will do pre sakura visit to find the best place for Hanami trip and suggested me to go. I was shocked but of course happy to hear that. I heard they mentioned Katahira's just near here and of course i manage to come back before 5 whereby at 5 pm i will have STM meeting. Ishida-san is also in STM group so both of us have to attend the meeting. Since Horimoto sensei suggested it..without further thinking i took my camera and purse and headed to join them. We went with Mori-san's car..Suzuki Alto, if i'm not mistaken sort of "kelisa" or "kancil" type. Kawaii..
Dropped by at seikyo to buy some tea and snack..and off we i was in the car i heard they mentioned minami..i'm thinking..where is that place and we didn't even pass by Katahira campus. So i'm wondering where are we going. But i just kept quiet and join in when i can understand the topic they are talking. I have no idea where are we going..lamanya..tak sampai2 snack and tea pun dah nak habis. Can i make it for STM meeting? I heard Ishida-san mention something about the meeting and checking her mobile phone. I thought she is 'sms-ing' Horimoto sensei that both of us will be late for the meeting. A few days before i read through the information bulletin and one of the best place to see Sakura is Ogwara. Sunddenly, i saw a signboard Ogawara..i was really surprised..are we going to this place? This is sure a dream come true..hehe..But we didn't go there a bit further i know..minami is we went to the south of Sendai.. erm..patut la lama bebeno nak sampai. We went to 2 spots..i dont really know the name of the place. At first macam salah tempat coz there were no car parks...seats..spots to place a mat and have picnic...but i manage to gake some pictures and off we went to the 2nd spot. Sakura seems nearly fully bloom at this place.
The hanami trip will be on 17th April so it will be too late to view the sakura as the best date/time would be around this weekend for this park. According to them every cherry blossom has its own time and day to view. So this 17 we will not come here again and have to choose another place..i have no idea where. Suddenly Fukumura sensei called Kajimoto sensei. I was quite scared. Maybe he is mad of this long outing. At that time it's about 4 pm..of course we can't make it before five. Masa tu i dah tak teringat pasal STM meeting (ralits) plus got a green light from my co-sv. Without wasting time we hurried back home..on the way was traffic jam almost all the way and to make it worse Mori-san took the wrong turn and we ended up lost. All of them are not familiar with the road at that area..but we manage to find the right road back to Sendai city. Arrived at campus around 6 plus. I hurried back to my room and Kajimoto sensei went straight away to see boss....mengadap boss..takutnya. Horimoto sensei came to me and ask how was the trip and i told her i enjoyed it and she said it's good to hear that but u have to be here before 5 pm for group meeting and i answered..."I'm very sorry, gomennasai, i didn't know they were going that far..i have some data to show and i'll print it right away.". Takut tu..takyah cakap la..guilty seme ada but i cant turn back time. After the discussion i emailed Fukumura sensei and apologized for what i've done.

Pn hanis,bestnyer..
an interesting xperience..
selalu bace blog pn hanis,
selalu update blog ye pn hanis =)
yer ker..wahh..suka2..masa update tu tgh wat eksperimen..tgh tgu data..hehe..menyelam sambil minum air
bila la nk g???
dr kecik lg nk tgok cheery blossom...
msti best kn pn hanis..???
BESTNYE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
impian saya sejak kecik gak..since skolah rendah..akhirnya tercapai gak..ur time will come too
Fad dearie:
meh ler jenjalan spring eh... :)
cantik nye sakura. kingston xde pun. hahahha.. kat cni kami xde real spring, kering je lg. cume dah xde snow. tulip pun br ade diorg tanam skit2, but smlm tibe2 ribut snow..xtau la pokok tu tenggelam ke x. huhu.. extreme ek canada? hmmmmm
hope so
wah best nyer..nak sakura jugak!
ala u nanti ada tulip yang sgt banyak n besau2 he..lagi besh, sib bek ada sakura kalau tak mesti teringin nak tgk tulip d cork he..
Alice..ntah2 byk jer bunga kat Kingston tu nanti..dia malu nak kuwa skang hehe..
auntiesue tlong ambik bunge sakura bwk kat malaysia nak cube pegang..bile tokwan sampai malaysia nanti tokwan kasi..beli manyak2 hadiah untuk ninin..sayonara
Sakura ! Bestnyaaaa ! ^^
sounds nice. wahh..nak pegi jepun.nak pegi nak pegi nak pegi.
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