Tuesday (050509)
Flower is irresistible to me..sort of part of me..erm jiwang la plak, during high school, my friends used to call me Miss Flower, coz i love flowers a lot and there was this incident which makes the nick name stronger. Masa tu ada hari penyayang...my favorite teacher at that time was Mr. Gan, coz i love chemistry and he is the teacher, i was holding a flower and suddenly Mr. Gan passed by me and i asked him "Sir, cantik tak bunga ni?" Mr. Gan smiles and replied in kelantanese version "Chomey..supo awok bunga tu" wahhh apa lagi i was in cloud 9 at that time, Mr. Gan said it out loud in front of my friends and from that moment semakin berkembang my nick name itew, haha those old days...really makes me smile. I really wanna see tulip...since..little girl..when i saw my eldest sis pictures who went to study abroad somewhere around UK, she took some pictures at a garden full with tulips. After that day..the desire becomes more. I've heard that there is a tulip park around here..so during my outing with El, i asked her about the park. It's called Michinoku Koen (koen=park). El siap print out the map from kaikan to the park. I was so excited. Tapi peta tu agak mengkompiuskan so my love ask me to confirm with someone from the lab. So i asked Mori-san, together with El's map n Mori-san's map we gamble to the park. Plannya nak bertolak around 8.30 am since the park open at 9.30 am...(jangka perjalanan about 1 hr)..tetapi..after subuh we slept again, sedar2 dah 8 am..now subuh awal around 3 am- 4.30 am. huu..wakey2 (kak fiza nyer style)..bersiap, bekfes..masak bekal seme and we went out at 9.30 am (the time that we supposed to arrive there hehe)..maka bermulalah perjalanan kami mencari Michinoku Koen, alhamdulillah tak sesat but the road was a bit jammed..maklum la cuti everyone went outing...the road was really cool..adventorous..since the park dekat area bukit..so we passed by a lot of hill, and a big lake called Kamafusa. We arrived 1 hour later due to the traffic, kalau tak maybe earlier. There were a lot of people..parking bawah dah penuh kena park atas bukit.. nasib baik ada shuttle bus..so we parked our car n queue up for the bus. The fees to enter the park 400 yen...really cheap..sama mcm nak masuk zoo..but now we can enter the zoo for free since we are an international student..tapi privilege ni just around sendai..and Michinoku is quite far from Sendai...so it is not included.

Kat luar tu dah banyak tulip..bila dah masuk dalam...gosh...full of tulips..all sorts of colors..my love said "cantinya tempat ni..sangat berbaloi dgn harga" (he is a mathematician, so he is really good in this part) wahh..saya suka bila love suka...yer la my love susah sikit nak pergi nature2 ni hehe..so i am really glad he loves it. Apa lagi snap mensnap gambar..the park is so big and divided into several part. Semua part pun dipenuhi dgn org ramai berpicnic. A lot of people came with their family, budak2 bawa racket bawa bola and everybody seems to bring their picnic baskets and mats to sit down and relax under the sun, under the tree, by the flowers..macam2 spot. We didn't bring any mats just food. Just duduk atas rumput and enjoying the view. First part of the park ada rocks..and it is called time area, the second part flower garden..and yang penuh dengan bunga-bungaan with lots of small fountainsthird part is water area, forth part taman is kids playground memang full with kids..yang terlompat sana sini, firfth part ada huge field called relaxation park and kat situ org picninc and also play badminton, baseball dan yang sewaktu dengannya and next to it ada lake area..kat situ ada sampan, pastu swan figure yang boleh kayuh kaki tuu..but the queue was very long tak sanggup nak tunggu so just menjamu mata sahaja, there are two parts that we didn't go which are home village and plants area... we were so tired of walking..ingatkan nak drop by after lunch tapi dah penat so we headed home sebab nak try cari The Mall and pusing2 situ jap...
Wednesday (060509)
We went to Diamond City and The Mall, at last tercapai juga untuk menjejakkan kaki ke The Mall. Memandangkan first attempt tak jumpa so we tried our second attempt..tak jumpa jugak walaupun tak terniat nak pergi.. putus asa..and masa tu nak balik..we just wanna try alternative road alih2 jumpa The Mall depan mata..kelakar pun ada..so singgah la cuci2 mata..before that pergi Diamod City, tak ada apa pun.. just cuci mata also..mana tahu kut2 ada sale..but we did bought some shirt..paling murah yang boleh jumpa so far about sen yen (1000 yen). That is seriously, the cheapest that we can find at that shopping mall. Baju petak2 same design but different color..ish tetiba jek jadi hari matching sedunia..semua pun nak matching or hampir2... i like..dari dulu lagi berangan nak matching dengan my partner..at last that dream sort of tercapai it's like unbelievable..i love it..

amboi u... aksi ala2 hindustan gitu. jeles i.. tp nape selasa rabu? x g lab ke? or sana cuti? cantik ek tulip.. kat sini pun dah berbunga dah.. alangkah bgs kalo msia pun mcm tu. hehehee...
uu..ala skali skala,kan besh kalau mesia pom ada yg real instead of plastic, kat sini da nak bis i pegi tu byk dah buruk n layu.. isnin slasa rabu cuti, ahad n isnin masuk lab. u boleh la beraksi gak, nak2 dah ada budak kecik mesti lagi romantika gitiew..hehe
Cikgu hanis!!! Jelesnye!!! Nak pegi sane juga...
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