Near mid of April Sakura starts to bloom and lasted for about 2 weeks. It was really beautiful and breathtaking...I thought Sakura is the only attraction here and some tulips or other flowers like roses..and small colorful flower..(kak dhi cakap bunga rumput). The truth is i didnt know there is also other flowers here which are attractive too. The sakura time has passed and i am really happy that i had a memorable experienced and now is the turn of the other flowers to show their beautiful side...and i surely dont want to miss this moment as i love flowers a lot...(love..anniversary nak bunga yer..hehe..sompek lagi tu).
So this time with ZaiEl we went to see Nano Hana (bunga nano) bestla org yang namanya Hana, all the flowers name dia dapat hehe.. i browse through the english name and found Brassica rapa..i'm not sure whether it's the correct one..but nano is just nice and cute. Our journey started very early in the morning. El suggest 8.30 am..jumpa kat 99 Shop..but a day berofe our double date..kak su ym me..she wanted to make BBQ behind her house to welcome the new students...there were four of them Pitt and wife (Airid), Sulastri and Daniel. BBQ?hmm..sounds good, alamak mana satu ni? Can we have both? The bbq will start at 11 am....huu i dont think we can manage to arrive by that time from our outing. Kak su also invited other married couples..inclusing us..and kenetulan husband El turun Sendai so El pun dijemput we had to rearrange our time from 8.30 am to 7.00 am..can i wake up and get ready that early? On Friday, from lab singgah Seiyu..(sib bek bukan Sinyu) yerla takkan nak pergi empty handed to the bbq, so i plan to bring a choc cake and muffin. I found muffin mix..just add butter n eggs...ini memudahkan my job..since it will take some time to prepare the cake and muffin, so now just focus on the cake and muffin tu jap jer bley siap..i like..hehe..sampai rumah about 10 pm..cooked dinner and proceed to my cakes n muffin. I slept a bit late about 1 pm at that time i was sooo tired..topping cake blum buat.. Nak tido jap jer ni..kunun..alih2 sampai pagi about 5.45 am huhu..wake up and get ready seme..then i continued with my topping..msg El that we will be a bit late. Last2 plan nak bertolak from 99 shop at 7 am end up at 7.40 am kut..hehe..if i'm not mistaken.
The place that we went is in Minami Sendai, but not until's on the same way tapi sebelum tu lagi..a place name Kakuda which is on the left exit from Shiroishi highway. But the more specific name..lupa la plak..have to ask El. We arrived there around 8.30 we still have a lot of time before bbq. Nasib baik sampai cepat since the traffic was just smooth. Dari kejauhan dah nampak lautan kuning..field filled with nano hana...mcm ala-ala pemandangan sawah padi gitu? ye ke love? he..we parked our car and started walking towards those flowers. It was sunny yet a bit cold with the soft breeze of the wind. It was so peaceful. There were two parts.. one of it ada seat and table to munch2 while enjoying the view. Another part is, they put newspaper, gunting to cut those flowers..apa eh nama gunting tu..i forgot..wah..peluang keemasan, apa lagi..El and I didn't waste any time..and made a bouquet of flower ala2 miss universe..tak gitu El..hehe..pewasan..We brought some snack but we didn't eat it there..khusyuk tengok bunga and eat it inside the car on he way back (sebenarnya forgot to take it from car boot).
Our day didn't end up there..after the bbq we went to Selva..dah lama ajak love g sana..and the night before he pop up the plan..mesti la saya seronok..we were quite tired and love cakap "nak g ker nak balik rumah" "kalau balik rumah rehat2 mesti dah malas keluar" so we headed to Selva, there's nothing special..but we wanna experienced other shopping complex which is different from sendai city...mana tahu the things there cheap or..ada sale was quite a nice place not so crowded like sendai city and Mori-san was right it is quite cheap from sendai city, choice pun boleh tahan..tapi just window shopping and we wanna survey at The Mall and also Diamond city too. Bila la ada masa nak pergi sana tu..penat we headed home..after pusing2 for awhile there...
Masa nak solat maghrib..Akmal n Ab call..ajak dinner at japanese restaurant, Marumatsu..yey our first time eating real japanese food at japanese restaurant..thanks Ab and Akmal..we really love it. It's very cheap and affordable, walaupun penat we just dont want to miss this opportunity, coz kalau nak pergi berdua we dont understand the menu..Ab can speak and read japs love and i dah hafal menu mana yang boleh dimakan so the next time we know what to order, went back home dalam kekenyangan yang amat. What a day..surely the longest outing ever..
dinner at Marumatsu
Masa nak solat maghrib..Akmal n Ab call..ajak dinner at japanese restaurant, Marumatsu..yey our first time eating real japanese food at japanese restaurant..thanks Ab and Akmal..we really love it. It's very cheap and affordable, walaupun penat we just dont want to miss this opportunity, coz kalau nak pergi berdua we dont understand the menu..Ab can speak and read japs love and i dah hafal menu mana yang boleh dimakan so the next time we know what to order, went back home dalam kekenyangan yang amat. What a day..surely the longest outing ever..

ala u..meh ler honeymoon dgn papa aidy kat sini u lg besh nak g London gitu..pastu ada kamera yg sgt2 besh tuk amek gambar..jeles tau he
mie...picnic denuh hati2 mie...byk yakuza denuh...kene rompak karang...
the place is so nice!!!!!!!!
yes dearie..if u were here i bet you can take a very artistic one..he
wahhh..super best! i need an outing to release all the tensions! huhu
bestnye kumpul ramai2.. :)
Tetiba rasa nak g Jepun...
awwwww, romantic gitewww
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