Akhirnyaaaa...saya boleh berblog dengan aman damai..tapi hanya untuk sementara waktu saja... even though my turn for presentation has past tapi next month ada lagi uhuhu... I was totally surprised... kat sini pun ada MR a.k.a Mat Rempit. First time jumpa MR Jepun ni when we went to Naruko... There are several things which i like to point out about MR here compared to the one in my country.
Point 1- Of course fashion...i loooooove fashion haha.. uishh over la plak...
All of them pakai uniform sekata, baik baju and boots.. baju one piece ala2 mekanik, kaler variety but dark colors like blue, brown, black...boots sepesen..long boots.. paras betis, tak ada orang lain yang pakai macam ni selain encik rempit jepun ye..
Erm tang ni payah sket i rasa fashion derang haru sket hehe..mixture..susah nak identify encik rempit malaysia ni...
Point 2- tahap dan aksi rempit
mereka ni nama je rempit tapi tak ada aksi pun..very the berjurus u know... bunyi enjin je over.. ala2 ngeng2.. press kuat2 gitu, tapi tak laju pun.. masih ikut peraturan jalan, tak langgar traffic light, keep distance with car..cuma yer la a bit noisy tapi takleh lawan mat rem mal
Oooo tidakk...yang ni tak payah cakap la.. superman, spiderman, batman, ultraman semuanya cukup lengkap, yer la malaysia boleh! rakyat malaysia semuanya berani, kadang siap buat free show lagi kat jalan tu dan men"jem"kan jalan menyusahkan orang lain... memang aksi tak sayang nyawa..i really dont get it what's in their mind..kena ada litar khas utk mereka semua ni lepas gian..
Point 3- sentimental values
amboi siap nak include about the sentimental values... erm..derang ni nama je Mat Rempit tapi suka menikmati pemandangan panorama gitu..because on the day we went to naruko they all pun ada tapi semuanya berkumpul at the main spot yang semua orang akan take picture kat situ masa tu all of us sedang makan and other people back off and give space to those mat rempit, lepas hirup udara segar and tengok panorama.. all of them go their own way,..with their bike yang ngeng2 tu..we also did saw them at sawah padi spot..pencinta alam jugak rupanya, they never disturb people, they respect other people...
i am speechless because i dont really know well about this part, some of them did vandalism.. disturb other people.. and sometimes it is very annoying....
Why suddenly i point out about this issue? My love and i talked about this during our outing to Izumi and at that time we saw this mat rempit jepun. Not even their one piece but their bike is really different, they will put sort of decoration, some of it siap ada beautiful drawing lagi hehe.. so sentimental... Izumi is one of our favourite spot especially when it is sale time. Kat Izumi tu ada outlet stores.. quite a number of brand but we didn't really look for brand, the price is important, if it's cheap and worth it then for sure it's worth a grab. Thay day we went with Soo and Norai. nampak ada halloween decoration..tiba-tiba teruja nak ambil gambar but sadly the camera is not good though..huhu..
Apakah kaitan gambar2 outing ini dengan MR...hm..abaikan jer..hehe...

seyes pn hanis...
jepun lg bertamadun...
tgok cter tokyo drift pn da taw...
of course my dear..even tho saya tak pernah tengok tokyo drift tu..but it's the fact that they are way more civilized...huhu hopefully we are heading that way...and getting closer
em..linda pgl puan hanis..cha nk pgl pe ek..ermm..
pgl mummy hanis la kn3..hehe.*ngade2 d situ*
nway..cam best jek MR kt sane..nape la tamau tiru owg jepun berMR ek..
ri tu my fwen drive alek umah mlm2..mmg MR neh duk keliling keta dia..kecut gile..huhu.
nway,1st pic tu comei la..aishhhhh..~
mat rempit msia jauh lg le nk capai taraf mcm dieorg
salam. mind asking, what course are you taking in japan? is it something that's related to biomedicine or bioscience? Thank you :-)
Cha, ok la panggil mummy, chumel jek hehe..ee takutnya...pastu dia ok ke? MR tu takder wat apa la eh? yer ke 1st pic comeii..i likee.. ^_^
Fadhilah..yup i totally agree my dear
Ms/Mrs/Mr Anonymous..W'salam, nope i'm in chem dept..why? mind introduce your self?
ala sensei.derang nyer rempit stylo.patriotik pakai jaket kamikaze bwk bendera imperial army
wah izzat..terror2..mmg pakar jepun la awak nih..bagus2..
dari kecik da kaji.haha
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