We didn't join jamuan raya at Malaysian Embassy, Tokyo..since the cost is quite high..pergi balik shinkansen dah 20,000 yen per head (about RM700)..just for sambutan raya and all the dishes.. nahh maybe not...but we didn't know that there will be sambutan raya just for Tohoku part. Tohoku region consist of several prefectures which are Miyagi (our place), Fukushima, Yamagata, Iwate, Akita and Aomori. Ok la tu ada jamuan raya peringkat Tohoku. Best2. Tahun ni giliran students di Iwate to organize jamuan raya. The best part is it was all handled by undergraduate students...because they are the majority and we are the minorities...kewl huh? Warga sendai kena buat rendang and other dishes will be prepared by other prefectures. Maaf ye adik2..tak sempat nak tolong..as usual we were in the lab when you guys prepered the dish, thanks to Iryd the mastermind of rendang recipe...yang sangat la sedap.. As usual pakai baju raya tahun lepas. Hehe..and my love wore baju melayu. Sabtu pagi berkumpul di favourite spot..which is very near to the undergrads house, mana lagi kalau bukan 99 shop.
When we arrived, half of them were already there. Semua sewa kereta..vouge2 gitu, Odyssey and Stream, my love and i je kete cabuk.. and masing2 pecut sangat laju.. lucky our SKYLINE (haha) sempat catch-up with them.. the journey was quite long..about 2 hours plus, sampai dah out of idea borak with Iryd and Pitt and masa tu asik tertanya2... bila la nak exit highway ni..finally..sampai.. but still not at the destination. Siap sesat2 lagi... their cars ada navi pun boleh sesat apatah lagi our car..memang totally rely on them..Luqman la ni bawa kami ke jalan kesesatan hehe..gurau je dik.. jangan marah.. pusing sana pusing sini.. alhamdulillah sampai juga kat dewan Iwate tu... Program start pukul 12.30 and we arrived in time tapi ramai lagi belum sampai... so tunggu tetamu yang lain in front of the hall.. nasib baik, we thought that everbody were waiting for us. Banyaknya juadah raya... Rendang Sendai, nasi impit , kuah kacang, nasi arab, lontong and a lot of desserts (cakes and puddings). As usual mesti posing hehe.
Selepas makan sambung lagi bergambar at the stage and at the beautiful garden next to the building, truly traditional..
masa ni semua orang duk posing kat stage including us..
diinterview oleh Channel 11 ehehe...
selepas interview...posing untuk majalah plak..hehe
the beautiful garden with a small pond..masa ni our photohrapher Iryd and Pitt pun duk bergambar sakan..lucky Musa was there... :)
see..told ya so..our IrydLuvPitt photography pun sedang bergambar.. my love manage to snap this without their notice..
love this...(hold me tight and never let go..)
traditional Japanese house..hmm ini baru di Iwate belum lagi di Kyoto, can't wait to go there to experience a truly classic japanese scenery...
the guys...wah2, posing maut semuanya.. photographer for the evening, Mus jejaka berbaju light blue and hujung skali photographer for Iryd and Pitt hehe..
It's time to go home.. 2 hours plus journey makes us hungry again, they invited us eat sushi ramai2.. where us but Kappa Sushi.. good idea..light dnner of the night..badan pun dah penat nak masak.. we had a blast day... baru rasa feel raya yang ummph sket hehe..
The next day ada sambutan raya Sendai plak..since all of them dah balik Sendai, so it is the right time untuk berkumpul before they start the new semester. And the next day plak my love and i kena masuk kampus..usual weekends for us, so i just manage to cook dessert, chocolate cake and karamel pudding... takper adik2 lain dah terror masak semuanya..we had, Mee kari.. secret recipe Jiha, nasi impit again, nasi beryani with rendang and dal..meriah2...

waaa...sweetnye hanis bergambar ngn hubby...hanis sepadan la pkai baju kuning cair dan brown tudung, nampak mcm caramel yg manis...oooops...hihihi...jgn marah ye dear!next year dira nye bj raya nk kaler kuning la!
wowoowo....syok nye tgk menu mknan pd hari tu...dan garden die mmg lawa...mcm tgk citer jepun lama2 je...hanis pasni mesti nak gi kyoto ya? waaaa....best!
karamel? i likee...hehe..hanis baju raya recycle tau..sedih betul..ha dira buat la kaler kuning..matching dgn hubby dira tau....hehe
yup..kitaorg tak prasan ada taman tu, nak balik baru nampak sebab it's on the other side..teringin nk g kyoto tapi tatau bila ada rezeki..maybe next year...jum dira g sama nak?he..
bestnye posing tak berhenti...
haha..kebetulan ada jamuan raya plak..so posing la lagi, bila kita nak posing sesama ni..and i really want u to be my photographer..sure vass gitu..
Meriah nampak nya.
Tempat tu nampak aman damai saja......Pak man suka suasana macam tu.
Pak Man, saya pun suka taman2 di sini cantik dan tenang..
taman sgt cantik!
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