Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Banyak makna yang boleh ditafsirkan from that number.. adakah sudah berbadan dua? hehe.. sangat ingin tetapi bila fikir experiment and my love and i berkampung di lab sampai malam and so on, hmm.... insyaAllah, Allah dah tetapkan rezeki untuk my love and i, so just wait and see. Yup sekarang berdua tunggu bertiga, berempat dan ber seterusnya...uishh seperti menginginkan anak yang ramai, terima segala pemberian dari-Nya. Al kisahnya... I wanted to write this post yesterday, kononnya, the first post on the first day of February but i got hooked up on other things which i should delay the posting to...today, itupun, hopefully i can manage to finish it... kalau tak, postpone lagi sampai esok, lusa and so on hehe...

Asalnya nak cerita something else, but when i came this morning, terserempak dengan my sv... errkk... he's been quite busy and we didnt have discussion for about...2 weeks (i just felt, 2 weeks ermm i think it is still ok) but for him 2 weeks is maybe like 2 months and he's been asking me like i have a lot of data in these 2 weeks, yes, i'm working everyday, but not everyday i can use the instrument and 2 days in a week i have Japanese classes. and on Friday is weekly seminar, and Thursday i have STM meeting which i should prepare the resume beforehand kalau tak my co-sv membebel. Hmm so i have Monday and Tuesday untuk betul2 fokus from morning till night hari lain buat experiment yang biasa2 je, because i dont wanna stay at lab, i want to have some time for myself and my love too. Tido kat rumah lagi best dari tido kat lab huhu but looking at my experiment i know one day i will have to stay at the lab but i really hope it wont be very often. Sometime not all experiment yang dibuat tu menjadi seperti yang dirancang. Writing this post, sort of 5 minutes break (5 mins ke? huhu) still editing my data, looking back at previous data while sipping hot milk tea senang citer teh susu panas, memang ada niat nak email my sv nak discuss further about my future work on this sample, and coincidentally, he seems sort of wanted to have discussion too and the mukadimah untuk meeting on this Saturday siap keluar about mountain lagi hehe. Maybe the mountain you try to climb is so high, maybe i thought that we can reach the mountain. It's time to change the plan and move on to another mountain...fuhh harap2 the new topic wouldn't differ a lot from what i'm doing right now.

Last week i met Isabela, the writer of one article i've been referring recently, macam tak percaya baru je baca her paper and she came to my lab to see the instrument i'm using, she got a job at Tohoku Uni and married a japanese guy, she wondered if she can continue her experiment, and found out that i am working with STM. Rasa macam jumpa artist plak.. hehe. Her experiment was quite different and she was surpised that i did it in ambient condition, at this condition i'm doing now, it seems like impossible for her and she tried it too but due to the difficulties, she op for another setup and yet the setup she used it was very difficult and to get the result that she published she had tried so many time. Unfortunately the setup that she used is not available in our lab, it's another stm setup with other accessories. Huhu what will happen to my research then? (insyaAllah there will be a way, think deeply, hanis...) She even said good luck to me and she know how hard i've been working on since she got the same experience. Phew... how i am glad somebody knows how hard it was. I am really hoping this Saturday would be a lovely discussion huuu takutnyaaa... maybe i will tell about that something else another time, should continue my work.. ^_^ yosh...


NARDtheNERD said...

may i know what is STM~...heeeeee~

Hanis MY said...

Nard glam, maybe in my next post hehe, insyaAllah will try...

Hanis MY said...

eh nard lupa STM is scanning tunneling microscopy

Anonymous said...

as usual hanis, semoga semuanya dipermudahkan

Hanis MY said...

Ziela, thanks a lot ^_^

IzanJay said...

You can do it Hanis!

Hanis MY said...

Thanks you Kak Izan dearie...

Unknown said...

hanis sensei...lame x mengomen...hehehehe
ganbate ne...
alwiz pray for your sucses...also ur hubby...


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