our first round hehe...
posing dulu sebelum makan...aishiteruuu my love...
with my lovely cik nab...
one of our many dessert..self made soft-cream...oishiii...
thank u cik nab for the lovely summer pajama...kawaiii...
tak dapat tengok...bergambar pun jadi la..still have no time to watch toy story 3 via web huhu..isogashiii...
last but not least..before the clock strikes 12, the end of 28th of July 2010, i received a birthday card from my love with really meaningful words in it..full with maths symbols which i have to translate to get the real meaning..pheww...and yes it was really really sweet... malu la nak reveal eheh..mengada... i love you so so much my love...thanks for a memorable day...
not to forget, cooking book from Mori-san...arigatouu..there's some japanese cuisine i likee, will share it with u guys k...
Fujita-san gave me a room slipper..belang mcm penjara hehe..kawaii ne.. my STM room slipper entah hilang ke mana...nasib baik tak perlu beli baru...arigatou mo Fujita-san...
not to forget, cooking book from Mori-san...arigatouu..there's some japanese cuisine i likee, will share it with u guys k...
Fujita-san gave me a room slipper..belang mcm penjara hehe..kawaii ne.. my STM room slipper entah hilang ke mana...nasib baik tak perlu beli baru...arigatou mo Fujita-san...
and here goes some more wishes from my dearies, received 3 messages from my bro nun jauh d Abu Dhabi, Abedi, from my sendai friend, sweet mama Iryd and mama Ab...
my lovely niece
~Kamarulzaman Izyan happy birthday kak Hanis~ hehe paksu mie wi adiah gapo? ^^ sukolah tngok gmbr2 kak hanis..comel2.. hehe..
(oh ye, smalam bday mama, sehari sblm tu bday adik)
~From my ever dearest forever and ever best friend Aishah Khairudin
May Allah bless u with never ending happiness. Emuahs!
~From Syara cyg and Sweet Ila at Cork
hanissss sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy slalu terlepas pandang..alamat sama mcm dulu kan???
Eilawaniey Ahmad breithlá shona duit..haha..takyah bg bday present lagi dah..wish dlm Irish pon dah ada perkataan duit2 dah...ok ar tuh..nway, happy birthday kak hanis (dlm English plak)....hehe..
~Sabiqah and Alice cayang nun jauh di canada
hanisSan, huuu changel-chuka hamnida (i nk buh dlm hangul korean gak, tatauu nippon , hehhe)..wahh sudah lama kita tak berstory-mory, rindu sama u dong ! :) anyway wish u all the best on earth- and heaven, aminn
kak hanis..hepi besday.... semoga sukses selalu... hehhee.. didoakan u cpt2 dpt phd k..
form the rest of my dearies:
~Yanty Mohammad Happy Birthday Hanis..Bila nk blk malaysia?
~AFai Fairuz Ab selamat hari lahir.....................
~Izz Al-Jundi Husaini otanjoubi omedetou sensei >.< .
~Nurul Nasriati hepi besday pn.Hanis!!! muah3x!!!!
~Norma Md Nor selamat bertambah umo lagi 1 tahun
~Raznasyelly Sutranifarina Razali Happy Birthday Hanis... *smile*
~Khuzaimah Azri happy bday hanis...may all your dreams come true..:+)
~Afzan Arifin happy besday my dear....moga dipanjangkan umo dan dimurahkan rezeki..aminn
~Hajar Ismail happy birthday dear cuzzie! may Allah bless in many ways ;)
~Aida Lela salam hanis.. epi befday gifog.. hehhehe.. take care .. hug!
~Fazira G Ar Razak epi burffffdayy!!!!smuge dpt sme dicitaa..aminnn
~Rashleen Ab Rahman hAPPY burfdayz!!!
~Muhd Hariz happy bezday cik anis!!!!smoge panjang umo n d murahkan rezki..
kalo dpt adiah syer2 r ckit
~Azza Jauhar Selamat Hari Keputerian Hanis! May your days will be filled with fantastic blessings from Him! Take care!
~Zainol Hafiz happy bufday puan!!!
~Nieyna Bt Md Noor hait...mushi mushi..hepy arigato huzbufday..ini je yg tahu kut bahasa jepun...
~Fiza Adam hepi bday 2 u hepi bday 2 u hepi bday2 hanis hepi bday 2u....semoga dipermudahkan urusanmu...
~Raja RahiMah Raja Husin Hepi Birthday 2 u..wish all d best (^___^)
~Masyitah Khairil Anuar akak ^_^ happy birthday..
~Mardhiah Abd Talib hepi besday Pn Hanis..... hepi2 slaloooo.....=))
~Aidaa Rohaida happy besday hanis.. semoga bahagia selalu ye...:)
~Faizal ファイザール hb
~Eugenie Eugene Chong happy birthday sir :)
~Mohd Sani Sarjadi selamat hari lahir nis, moga terus dimurahkan rezeki..
~Mohd Norazam hepi bday..smg pjgn umur n murh rezeki..peace
~Norman Nana hepy besday aniss
~Mohd Hafizal Mohd Isa wahhh.. sudah birthday today.. ooo.. hot ni.. oo.. hot.. hot... hahaha.. this year will be your year!!! there a line of success stretch out in front of you.. Happy birthday.. hope that you have a blast this year!! bila partynyerrrr!! from Pitt, Airid & ai..
~Mohd Buniyami happy besday Hanis...Smoga uol berbahagia selamanya
~Siti Aishah cikgu anis..hepi besday..
~Miz Julia hepi besday puan hanis..may Allah bless u...miss u...=)
~Nordina Zainul Abidin kak hanis..selamat hari lahir..moga bahagia selalu..
~Syimah Mohammad hepi besday pn hanis.....luv u..=)
~Intan Fadlina Ismail happy bufday hanis...
~Ros Comey epy bufdayyyyyyyyyy puan hanis..semoge pnjg umor, dmurahkan rzeki dan dipermudahkan segala urusan di dunia dan akhirat...:)
~Siti Athirah heppi bezday pn hanis :)
~Ahmad Shazwan A. Majid selamat hari jadik pn hanis
~Falynee Faha Pn Hanis, wishing you great years to come, Happy Birthday! :)
~Nurul Izza Kamisan happy birthday pn hanis ^__^ hoyeaaa2....
~Sharifah Zuraiha Finally, boleh pun tulis kat wall you~~Happy Birthday my dear~~miss you!
~Sarah Ghazali epi besday hanis.....
~Rynn Honeykoma Hunnys, sorry lmbt wish. Happy belated birthday dear! Semoga happy,bahagia n sihat di rahmati Allah.aminnn.muahs.stay cun!
~Vera Yulianti Malik Selamat Ulanh Tahun ya Hanis. Semoga segala keinginan baiknya dikabulkan Allah. Amin
~Siti Rohani Denam Happy Birthday my dear....hope suma yg dihajati dimakbulkan oleh Allah s.w.t...Aminn...
And now it's time to share the recipe...of this...
my lovely niece
~Kamarulzaman Izyan happy birthday kak Hanis~ hehe paksu mie wi adiah gapo? ^^ sukolah tngok gmbr2 kak hanis..comel2.. hehe..
(oh ye, smalam bday mama, sehari sblm tu bday adik)
~From my ever dearest forever and ever best friend Aishah Khairudin
May Allah bless u with never ending happiness. Emuahs!
~From Syara cyg and Sweet Ila at Cork
hanissss sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy slalu terlepas pandang..alamat sama mcm dulu kan???
Eilawaniey Ahmad breithlá shona duit..haha..takyah bg bday present lagi dah..wish dlm Irish pon dah ada perkataan duit2 dah...ok ar tuh..nway, happy birthday kak hanis (dlm English plak)....hehe..
~Sabiqah and Alice cayang nun jauh di canada
hanisSan, huuu changel-chuka hamnida (i nk buh dlm hangul korean gak, tatauu nippon , hehhe)..wahh sudah lama kita tak berstory-mory, rindu sama u dong ! :) anyway wish u all the best on earth- and heaven, aminn
kak hanis..hepi besday.... semoga sukses selalu... hehhee.. didoakan u cpt2 dpt phd k..
form the rest of my dearies:
~Yanty Mohammad Happy Birthday Hanis..Bila nk blk malaysia?
~AFai Fairuz Ab selamat hari lahir.....................
~Izz Al-Jundi Husaini otanjoubi omedetou sensei >.< .
~Nurul Nasriati hepi besday pn.Hanis!!! muah3x!!!!
~Norma Md Nor selamat bertambah umo lagi 1 tahun
~Raznasyelly Sutranifarina Razali Happy Birthday Hanis... *smile*
~Khuzaimah Azri happy bday hanis...may all your dreams come true..:+)
~Afzan Arifin happy besday my dear....moga dipanjangkan umo dan dimurahkan rezeki..aminn
~Hajar Ismail happy birthday dear cuzzie! may Allah bless in many ways ;)
~Aida Lela salam hanis.. epi befday gifog.. hehhehe.. take care .. hug!
~Fazira G Ar Razak epi burffffdayy!!!!smuge dpt sme dicitaa..aminnn
~Rashleen Ab Rahman hAPPY burfdayz!!!
~Muhd Hariz happy bezday cik anis!!!!smoge panjang umo n d murahkan rezki..
kalo dpt adiah syer2 r ckit
~Azza Jauhar Selamat Hari Keputerian Hanis! May your days will be filled with fantastic blessings from Him! Take care!
~Zainol Hafiz happy bufday puan!!!
~Nieyna Bt Md Noor hait...mushi mushi..hepy arigato huzbufday..ini je yg tahu kut bahasa jepun...
~Fiza Adam hepi bday 2 u hepi bday 2 u hepi bday2 hanis hepi bday 2u....semoga dipermudahkan urusanmu...
~Raja RahiMah Raja Husin Hepi Birthday 2 u..wish all d best (^___^)
~Masyitah Khairil Anuar akak ^_^ happy birthday..
~Mardhiah Abd Talib hepi besday Pn Hanis..... hepi2 slaloooo.....=))
~Aidaa Rohaida happy besday hanis.. semoga bahagia selalu ye...:)
~Faizal ファイザール hb
~Eugenie Eugene Chong happy birthday sir :)
~Mohd Sani Sarjadi selamat hari lahir nis, moga terus dimurahkan rezeki..
~Mohd Norazam hepi bday..smg pjgn umur n murh rezeki..peace
~Norman Nana hepy besday aniss
~Mohd Hafizal Mohd Isa wahhh.. sudah birthday today.. ooo.. hot ni.. oo.. hot.. hot... hahaha.. this year will be your year!!! there a line of success stretch out in front of you.. Happy birthday.. hope that you have a blast this year!! bila partynyerrrr!! from Pitt, Airid & ai..
~Mohd Buniyami happy besday Hanis...Smoga uol berbahagia selamanya
~Siti Aishah cikgu anis..hepi besday..
~Miz Julia hepi besday puan hanis..may Allah bless u...miss u...=)
~Nordina Zainul Abidin kak hanis..selamat hari lahir..moga bahagia selalu..
~Syimah Mohammad hepi besday pn hanis.....luv u..=)
~Intan Fadlina Ismail happy bufday hanis...
~Ros Comey epy bufdayyyyyyyyyy puan hanis..semoge pnjg umor, dmurahkan rzeki dan dipermudahkan segala urusan di dunia dan akhirat...:)
~Siti Athirah heppi bezday pn hanis :)
~Ahmad Shazwan A. Majid selamat hari jadik pn hanis
~Falynee Faha Pn Hanis, wishing you great years to come, Happy Birthday! :)
~Nurul Izza Kamisan happy birthday pn hanis ^__^ hoyeaaa2....
~Sharifah Zuraiha Finally, boleh pun tulis kat wall you~~Happy Birthday my dear~~miss you!
~Sarah Ghazali epi besday hanis.....
~Rynn Honeykoma Hunnys, sorry lmbt wish. Happy belated birthday dear! Semoga happy,bahagia n sihat di rahmati Allah.aminnn.muahs.stay cun!
~Vera Yulianti Malik Selamat Ulanh Tahun ya Hanis. Semoga segala keinginan baiknya dikabulkan Allah. Amin
~Siti Rohani Denam Happy Birthday my dear....hope suma yg dihajati dimakbulkan oleh Allah s.w.t...Aminn...
And now it's time to share the recipe...of this...
blueberry cheese cake from hana memories.. HERE
Happy 2nd anniversary to hana memories bestnyaa same date with my birthday!...Kak Hana is a great chef hari2 pun masak menu yang vava voom gitu..but my cake taklah sehebat kak hana ni...tapi nasib baik boleh dimakan hehe.. this is the first time i made a non-bake cheesecake...fuhh lega sebab jadik walaupun it didn't turn out to be marvelous like Kak Hana's cake..need to polish up my skill or is it me who doesn't have that gift in cooking.. huhu...
To my cayangs out there boleh la cuba k...(nana dear, boleh buat for haru a.k.a perigi ehehe)
mine is a bit flat coz i dont have 18 inch punya loyang, i used 20 inch so kurang la ketebalannya bertambah lilitan kek aje hehe..betul ke ni...
80 g biskut marie hancurkan (i used oreo)
50 g butter cairkan
mix these two..padatkan pada dasar loyang...put in fridge for 30 min or more
250 g cream cheese
200 g whipping cream (saya bantai letak ready made whipping cream tu *_*
150 g plain yogurt
50 g gula (i put 45 g konon nk krgkan manis hehe)
15 g halal gel (bought via internet, kantan desyou)-cairkan with 60 ml air panas dan sejukkan
50 g buah blueberry tin (tak letak sebab tak jumpa cari the night before my bday, replace with blueberry jam
25 ml bluberry syrup (ini pun tak letak..couldn't find it either huhu...)
mix cream cheese and sugar sampai nampak gebu, add in whipping cream and yogurt, mix and then pour in the warm gelatin, mix again, put in the blueberry filling kacau sikit2 je to get the marble effect, masukkan dalam loyang with biscuit base tadi and then put in fridge at least 2-3 hours..tadaaa lepas tu bley nyum2..oishikatta desyou...selamat mencuba!

Semoga panjang umur.......
Pak Man terima kasih..amin, insyaAllah...
hahaha gt my name there! weeee wahh kreatif en termimi bagi maths symbol which u hve to translate. bagi saya idea ni. gahah nnti saya try jugalah. nk guna idea maths symbol juga bleh x puan? heheh insyaallah nnti na try,
ohhh and alaa puan hanis yang post mengenai perigi tu, bukan pasal haruuu. lol salah orang sudahh. mngnai orang lain tu. shhh heheh ;)
and last bt not least, happy happy happy belated birthday! XD
Nana...Owh tidakkk maluuuu..nak lari la cmni..i should have read the labels...haha tak pasan plak tang labels haru, kesian haru tiba2 kena jadik perigi ngeh2... gomenne...
semua nampak sedapp.
haha tulah, perigi pula dia kena. lol its okay puan. no worries kayy. heheh
p/s : xsabar nak try buat kek guna resepi tersebut,weeeee lol ;D
Nard..memang semua ponn sodappp..
Nana..sorry once again k..ok i'll try to post formula tu hehe takde apa pun saya je over exaggerating hehe..okies..i'm sure haru will love everything that u made...full with lurrvee...
heheheh okay! xsabar nk tgk frmul maths en termimi buat khas utk puan hanis. ouhh so romantic! i loikee eheh ;D
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