"What a wonderful date 10.10.10 and this story is posted at 10.10...lovely!"
It is really a wonderful feeling walking by with the wonderful smell of kinmokusei. English name is probably orange osmanthus. I noticed that near my housing area, almost all houses with yards planted kinmokusei with various sizes. Ada tu besarrr sangat dari jauh dah nampak sort of orangy balls between the bushes of leaves (eh betul ke ayat ni haha). Near my lab ada la sepohon, itupun on the way nak ke cafe, kalau keluar aje pintu... semerbak baunya... adakalanya sengaja pergi dekat2 dan hidu sepuas-puasnya (
Last Thursday i have lab's imonikai party by the river, nak cabut awal sebab nak solat so it is easier to go by myself and i went to take the car at my love's building... as the kinmokusei smell start to disappear...and when i walked further a very strong kinmokusei smell approaches me. Wahh ada yang besar rupanya di sebalik one of the buildings... owh i love it!
So today i asked my love to go and see the tree and take some pictures. Its been so long that i wanted to get my own memories with kinmokusei... as the smell and blooms end i will definitely miss it and of course waiting eagerly for the next kinmokusei...
キンモクセイ は 大好き です! (Kinmokusei daisuki desu = i really like kinmokusei)
wonderful and pleasant smell of kinmokusei...
up close...
tinggi sangat pokok tu boleh ambil sikit je kat dahan bawah tu... and now my desk harum semerbak coming from kinmokusei flowers.. ureshiiiiiii....
It's raining these few days...and i know the flower will fall from the tree... i will miss u kinmokusei.... it's getting colder... soon the leaves will transform and after that fall... nak ajak my love tengok autumn view... but i have no idea where...ada masa we might go somewhere....insyaAllah...

cantik bunger kinmokusei tu..tiber mcm blh raser sedeyh nnti bunga2 tu akan gugur :( huhuh
wah..cantiknya pokok tu..kat msia xde ni
meh join contest MORTAR BOARD..
Honeyy...yerla hanis pun sedih..lepas hujan byk sgt gugur huhu..kena tunggu tahun depan plak.insyaAllah kali terakhir merasa kinmokusei...
Edy..haa tgh carik gambar ni akan join soooooonnnnn
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