picture courtesy of google...
We went to see the movie last Saturday. After doing some work in the lab, as a reward pergi la tengok movie... iklannya macam menarik and seeing the trailer macam action packed gitu. Show pukul 9.10pm. Sementara tunggu show jalan2 kat sekitar tu and found Mary's choco goodie bag...terpikat la pulak so i bought this chocolate for just 1000 yen and the actual price worth nearly 2000 yen..ok la tu ada diskaun sket. Usually my fav and affordable chocolate is meiji.
picture courtesy of HERE
Meiji ni adalah kategori chocolate yang dikira biasa la...ada few other varieties. Tapi Mary ni up sket, a bit expensive for me la. Among expensive choco, Mary ni yang boleh dimakan since some other brand ada wine etc... enough with cik mary...
Lepas tu tengok movie... i enjoyed it so does my love and it was also funny. Sort of spontaneous comedy. Tapi kalau ikutkan jalan cerita and action, we still have more adrenaline rush watching SALT. Yes i admit before this my love and i tak adore sangat dengan action Angelina jolie ni sebab ala2 erm...like my love said action "poyo". But salt is totally different. Dia tak kontrol cun macam selalu, hehe...sorry ye pada peminat ange. But she was really great in salt. Next movie that we look forward is The Expendables...wow wii semua hero2 hebat dalam cerita tu... tapi my love tak nak put high expectation sebab dia takut hero "pencen" actionnya tak macam waktu muda mudi dulu. Ishh kerenat betul la my love ni hehe...
(courtesy of google....) by the way..i really loveeee this dress the one cameron diaz wear it in the movie... huhu i want one... lagi cun kalau lengan panjang owhhh soo comel.. (saya adalah peminat setia dress..kawaiiii)...bestnya kalau ada koleksi dress (sedang bagi hint to my love harap2 dia baca, wink*)
dalam goodie bag... nak tengok apa yg ada??? scroll lagi....
Mula dari kanan, orange tu tatau choco apa, hijau tu dark choco, dalam tin tu mix choco and candy, yang hitam tu strawberry choco and dalam kotak tu almond choco... baru buka yang hitam pink...oishikatta! ada small dried strawberries in it..yummyy...lepas ni nak bukak orange plak...jum eat2 with me...
p/s: sedang cari material untuk contest mortarboard... hadiahnya..fuhh lumayan..tapi apa2 pun kena cari gambar zaman muda mudi baru boleh masuk contest...

wow, coklat.... i like it!!!!! dah meleleh air liur nie...
hanis! tin tu cantek! heheh..stoknyer manyak cokelat :)
kalau saya..suka download cerita jek!!!....hahahha...tak tahan..nak kena tunggu kualiti video cntik bru nak dunload..hehe...btw.tq sudi jengah blog patik yg serba bercelaru itu....haha ;D
Liyana...haluu best tau hehe nanti pos dlm mimpi :D
Honey! yessss i lorrveee choco sangat2... suka jugak tin tu comell
Man...wahh alimnya gambar boleh jadi calon menantu ni...ala tak bercelaru pun ok apa...best jerk..
kak..dress kuning cameron diaz tu mmg sooooooo lovely.i wish i have one!
niniii...i likeee..jum sama2 wat koleksi dress k!
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