The plan was, trekking along the river from Omosiroyama to Yamadera. The others will depart from Sendai eki, while my love and i, Nab and Soo from the nearest eki at our house, Tohoku Fukushi daimae. The journey started around 9 am... we walked about 10-15 mins to the eki. Nasib baik ada Soo she knows the shortcut... dah beli ticket apa lagi posing sat hehe..
and the journey started... there were a lot of people, tak ada seat, so we have to stand, tapi khusyuk sangat chit chatting with the others..sedar2 dah sampai...i think the journey maybe about 40-45 minutes. Our first stop, Omosiroyama. Masa sampai tu sunyi nya tempat ni... seems like sangat terpinggir..hulu gitu, station pun tak ada and then we turn to our left side to find a very sugoiii scenery...waaa cantiknyaaaa... semua orang pun suddenly start to posing2...and we were not excluded.
during the journey...
me..with the girls...
dari jauh dah nampak this beautiful scenery...kalau dalam movie or drama the dialogue would drop dead gorgeous
we have to cross this bridge..
getting closer
and closer..tapi tak boleh turun pun kat situ...ada pagar and looks dangerous too..
dah sampai at first spot...loves it when my love hold me like that ^_^ hontou ni shiawase
view of the other side
waterfall yang airnya sangat sejuk, tak sanggup nak celup kaki, waterfall kat sini usually they wouldnt mandi manda just for sight seeing, even though during summer, mmg mcm tu, they want to preserve kut..bagus2..
Jejaka berbaju biru: Be careful sayang...licin tu
Gadis berbaju purple berjacket biru: Ok darling, hold my hand and never let go..
uish sempat lagi buat dialog cinta...
we don't understand what is written there but it is a nice spot to create another sweet memory, next balik to station and wait for the train to Yamadera, memang semua tak sanggup nak jalan dalam hutan by the river tu untuk pergi Yamadera
area station, while waiting for the train..cantik kan..wait till you see the next picture
cantik kann...we noticed another waterfall, yang lebih cantik sadly tak sempat nak pergi the train will come soon huhu...
can you see a group of people standby untuk ambil gambar, 1,2,...
3... train ni tatau g mana but ours is the next train
in front of Yamadera eki, sangat kalsik bangunannya..i like...truly japan
pakcik..kore wa ohitotsu...tatau nama dia apa, tapi sedap! tq pakcik sgt sporting memposing
cantik kan...bright red maple...kami pun nak masuk gambar jugak...
tadaaa...gambar lentok love u r my shoulder for everything..cry, happy, sad...
Yamadera is totally a beautiful place...
the entrance of 1000 staircase to view the mountains...
the staircase will bring us here...nampak tak ada small hut..that was our next destination
quater of the steps...tapi dah penat...masa ni still sejuk... tapi bila dh sampai atas, we were sweating...sampai buka jacket...
rehat jap...lots of traditional old building..sooo nice...
just a little bit more to the hut...tapi view kat sini pun dah breathaking...
more maple trees...yellow pun cantik...
view from maple leaves frame...awesome!
soo cakap gambar ni boleh buat poskad...yup i to cik nab for snapping this beauty piece...
view from the hut...subhanallah...subarashiii...omoshiroiii...
wanna be part of the view too...^_^
tersusun rapi..macam diplan dengan rapi... kami bersyukur dapat menikmati kebesaran-Nya
dah turun bawah...nak cari makanan...onaka ga one of the garden with cik nab..
aishiteru yo... ^_^
Yamagata ken is famous with its soba, so we had nameko soba (nameko=mushroom) oishiiiiikatta desu
dah kenyang and solat..jum bergambar ramai2..with part of warga sendai, tak semua ikut that day..but we had a lot of fun..u guys are great....nanti boleh buat trip lagi k..

Gadis berbaju purple berjacket biru: Ok darling, hold my hand and never let go..
uish sempat lagi buat dialog cinta...
I tried my best writing this post so that you can feel the the trip form afar hehe..tapi rasanya macam tak jadi was a wonderful moment with my love and the rest.. totemo tanoshikatta desu... ^_^

rase la pn hanis...
those pics memg great...
nmpk live...
sgt sukeee....
haha.halal ke makanan situ sensei
halal ke yang pakcik tu jual sensei?
Salam. Sangat menarik gambar dan pemandangan yang dikirim ini.
huuhu cantik sungguh tempat tu..
n u both look sweeetoo bju sedondon gitu, hhehe i like ;)
Linda...thank you dear, i like tooo
Izzat...sgt halal, it's made from veggie and boiled inside soy sauce..
Salam Abu Muaz, terima kasih..
Uuuuu...tu la i like..that place, biasa la i kan memang suka matching2 ni hehe...
Pak Man suka tengok gambar-gambar tu......
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