We went to Tashirojima (jima=island/pulau) and Ajishima. We've been to all 3 islands so maybe no more trip to Ishinomaki.
From what i read/heard people said... one of the most famous island with clear blue water and safe to swim is Aji. We didn't want to swim, just wanna walk along the beach or watch the sunset maybe. Dive in with the beachy breeze would be soothing. But i couldn't find any information on the hotels. There are just a few of them and mostly it will be full due to summer. Everybody wants a cool gateway from the hot summer. I ended up finding the hotel at Tashirojima. Tashiro ni pulak terkenal as a place for fishing...bot mahupun di pesisir atau jeti and no beach spot. Hotel pun tak banyak and mostly are full and i manage to get one...Marine Life. The only hotel yang ada several types of room, japanese, western and japanese and western (huh..puzzled..cemana tu combine both? and of course the price is a bit higher compared to the other rooms). Since my love like the western style and we are glad the room is available.
The journey started at 9 am. The same like last time..arrived Sendai eki and took the train to Ishinomaki, eh orang sama plak yang jaga and he recognize us and offered a return ticket on the same day but we are going to stay one night over there and sadly we have to refuse the offer. Sampai je Ishinomaki...dah ada bas..berlari-lari anak jugak la..nasib baik sempat. Ingtkan this time takde marathon dah hehe... look at the watch and noticed that the boat will leave soon and we have to wait for another boat. Sampai aje depan jeti..boat masih menanti because people still queue to get in..apa lagi marathon untuk kali kedua...nasib baik beberapa langkah je, we bought the ticket and hop in and we are the last passenger hehe...masa ni tak sempat nak ambil gambar before board in. Our mistake was choosing the seat..we choose the front seat dan hari tu gelombang laut agak besar and the boat bergoyang agak kuat (the boat is big...2 tingkat but still goyang)...seeing the boy with his girlfriend in front of us vomit, i tried to control myself. My love hold my hand...and i tried to sleep..not too long after that "love..nak muntah"...my love grab my hand and took me to the back seat...far behind...and i sat by the window and my love rub my hand gently...phew lega dengan serta merta...definitely the wrong seat... we should have taken the back seat in the first place. My love pun rasa nk muntah but not as much as me. The journey was a bit delayed because the boat moved slowly...melawan arus ombak yang agak besar...and alhamdulillah we have arrived safely.
new manga train liner...ishinomaki nak promote manga museum... (p/s: nadia, Adam minat ke otomen2 ni)

cinta hati my love..in front of Blue Liner..dan jeti yang senyap sunyi macam tak ada penghuni...
Bila jejakkan kaki..ke Tashiro...tergamam...bukan sebab cantik tapi sebab sunyi sangat macam bandar mati... boats are everywhere... but no people around...just us the visitor... hmm mungkin beroperasi di awal pagi takpun nelayan tak turun ke laut cari ikan... and then we saw a poster...of our hotel..better check in and solat dulu and then go out to see the surrounding. We saw some cats merayau. Pernah nampak meow2 ni 2 kali je kat kaikan (our house) itupun dari jauh pastu akan lari bertempiaran, sangat la pemalu. Cats kat sini senang lenang aje siap datang minta makanan tapi comot sikit. Ada tu kurus..tengok pun kesian. Sunyinya tempat ni..on the way, nampak ada satu kedai runcit..and i called it KRS = kedai runcit sedih, sebab seolah2 hidup segan mati tak mahu... i like the hotel compared to other houses that we saw along the way...alive gitu...

nasib baik ada peta..kalau tak tercari-cari jugak arah tuju...

sunyi sepi aje kan...on the way to marine life...

marine life desu..suki desu...modern tapi klasik (eh berbelit daaa)
sebaik sahaja menjejakkan kaki ke laman terpegun sekejap kecik tapi comelll sangat... walking slowly towards the door...baru aje nk bagi nak cakap "shitsureshimasu" tiba-tiba nampak lembaga and i heard my name was called so loud macam dalam kem askar "HANIS!!!". Oh mak kau terkejut, pakcik ni menakutkan. and then he said "come in", dalam email masa buat reservation, satu perkataan english pun tak nampak, rupanya boleh speaking pakcik ni. He brought us right to the room, ohh my....i fell in love with the room..nice interior...mana la pakcik ni dapat semua barang2 ni..entah2 dulu kerja kapal..nanti akan diinterview...i took the small pamphlet of the island and read through....

the sweet and cute gate towards the garden

penuh dengan replika kapal...my love and i terus dibawa ke bilik...the stairs and then the view when we arrived at 2nd floor...

our sweet sweety room...really nice..me likee...

suka la window kecik tu...later i'll show you the view of the window from inside the room...

tadaa..memang rasa duduk dalam replika kapal hehe..cool la pakcik ni...

model tingkap hehe...

the other accessories in the room and the key holder pun sauh kapal :)

old compass yang ada tulisan jawi...

view from the window....few houses and the sea...tu balcony bilik western+japan, mahal..tapi best sebab besar and balcony pun besar untuk lepak2....and below is the garden..kawaiii ne...
This is the island of the cats, there is a history behind this and dogs are totally prohibited. Satu masa dulu (tatau la bila) penduduk pulau ni kurang mendapat tangkapan sampaila satu hari datang seekor kucing ni...muncul...cemana tu wallahua'lam..mungkin boring duk bertapa dalam hutan dia turun cari makanan kat jeti. Mulai dari detik itu..para nelayan mendapat tangkapan yang melimpah ruah, jadi meow2 tu pembawa tuah la dan diberi layanan istimewa...bukannya tempat tinggal yang mewah tapi diberi makan pada setiap kucing, bagi ikan fresh, dan tak pernah bagi sisa makanan. Tapi ada je jumpa kucing kurus keding..huhu sodihh...jom layan gambar moew2 yang sempat dujumpai along our trail....at the end of blog post nanti k...

ruang tamu and ruang makan, marine life is a double storey bungalow kat atas ada toilet dgn sink all the showers and extra toilet and also washing machine kat level 1...

bathtub, with shower at the side and jacuzzi..sauna pun ada, but we just use the bathtub..malu la i nak berjacuzzi bcause tak ada bumbung, orang nampak nanti unless kalau pakai menutup aurat...
Ada a few recommended spots, which are Manga island and tempat tangkap sotong...melihatkan laluan nak ke manga island tu macam menakutkan, because it's a tracking trail, banyak spot for tracking tapi malas la pulak nak masuk hutan, my love and i decided to walk nearby... we found a small beach, but full with rocks...duduk feeling2 jap and we continue our journey...keboringan dan hari masih muda, eceh...so we went back to the jetty and see the schedule of the boat...ada, tapi sekejap sangat maybe we can only spend time at Aji about 30 min and kena beratur tunggu boat balik ke Tashiro...hmm after giving some thoughts better to go so the next day boleh balik right after checkout from our hotel...

Nak dijadikan cerita, my love and i tak ada small change for the ferry fare, kami pun pergila ke "KRS" tu, bila masuk kedai muram, redup, macam tak ada orang tapi kellas u..sebaik aja we make further step bunyi ting tong haha..kelakar betul...sesedih dia ada detector u haha...,makcik ni macam tinggal sorang2, tua sangat jalan pun dah hampir bongkok 7, hampir tak faham pelat jepun dia yang pekat tu, cakap pada dia duit besar ni boleh ke...dia cakap boleh2...pastu habis semua beg duit dia selokar tapi tak cukup jugak bot lagi 5 minit nak sampai, my love said tak payah la kensel aje tapi makcik ni tak faham apa yang kami cakap and then makcik tu boleh pulak tanya dari mana time kami dah kesuntukan masa tu, lepas tu dia tanya dia sendiri jawab dia cakap amerika-jin desuka? (orang amerika ke) masa tu tahan gelak huhu, kesian makcik ni sebab terpencil sangat hidup dia sampai kenal amerika je tak kenal negara lain, bila sebut malaysia dia tercengang tak lama lepas tu dia buat2 angguk walaupun kening masih berkerut nak identify kat mana la mesia tu hehe..comel la makcik KRS ni...

tengok la betapa sunyinya tempat ni huhu..tapi terbiar pun bersih kan... kalau kat tempat kita sure dah berlonggok sampah, maklum la dah hobi buang sampah merata2...anak pun ikut sama sampai la keturunan seterusnya...dalam kereta pun boleh buang kulit rambutan sampai kena kereta belakang eiii sungguh tak bermoral...(aikss tetiba lepas geram pulak...hehe)

told ya so..very clean and calm...my love and i just walk tanpa arah tuju, nak tracking malas la pulak... nanti sesat..lupa nk pinjam compass jawi tu :P

and we found a small rocky beach...lepak sekejap rasa udara pantai...

the view...

seaweed anyone? eh tipu jela..seaweed yang makan tu species lain..bukan yang ni...

jumpa pokok ni tapi tatau nama apa..sebab boleh tiup2 haha..mengada betul, tapi tak dapat nk capture la..tak nampak pun debunga tu flew away, kena guna kamera canggih lagi agaknya...

me like taking nature picture like this...

dah bosan jalan2 my love and i headed back to the jetty...

kat sini pun ada ala-ala "pantai" kut..cinonet je..ramai jugak duk berenang2 and it is a famous spot untuk orang yang minat kayak...kalau dah pantai/pulau kat sini seagulls are everywhere... kerana keboringan dan hari masih muda my love and i decided to go to Aji...

jeti pulau aji...harbor lounge gitu haha..kelakar la sungguh chumilss...gambar bawah tu mural kat tembok penghalang ombak, kenapa i took that picture? sebab ada bunga sakura..ish2 kalau dah miss flower tu miss flower la jugak...

inilah pantai Aji yang digembargemburkan itu, bukan tak cantik, tapi tarat pantai biasa atau pernah dilihat back in malaysia..takpela pengubat rindu dah lama tak ke pantai mesia...but for them this is one of the best kat miyagi-ken ni....

bestnyaa kalau boleh try seacycle and get in that yacht tu...
Sesudah sampai di Aji..kuchiwa jugakkk...pantai dia sangat kecik...cannot stroll along the way...tapi sangat ramai orang mandi manda and berjemur..ada lagi satu spot bahagian selatan pulau tapi boat dah tak kesana for that day, ramai datang dari jauh nak bercuti kat pantai di pulau Aji ni...this is the best place for them..teringin nk ajak mereka semua pergi tengok pantai di mesia nun pasti pengsan sebab cantik sangat hehe... apapun we did get something new...we saw uni right in front our eyes...i don't know the english name but you can refer the picture below... it's yummy selalu makan sushi la tak pernah pulah buat special dishes with uni ni tak reti huhu...
uni desu...tatau nama melayu dan nama omputih....tapi kat sini baru kenal dengan uni ni...

courtesy of http://radio764-yukie.seesaa.net/archives

on our way back to Tashiro...sukanya duk tingkat atas ni, i think tingkat bawah lagi rasa alunan ombak tu..next trip to pulau no more seats inside..outside is better..nak balik ke ishinomaki pun nk stay 2nd floor..ureshiii...

bye2 pulau Aji...
We arrived at Marine life and not so long after that otousan called us for dinner, (saje mengada panggil otousan dgn okaasan hehe) siap datang ketuk pintu and said "gohan desuyo"gaya askar tetap, ok hehe...the hotel was run by an old couple. We saw a few artists picture together with their signs tapi tak faham dia tulis apa...maybe their wonderful stay at marine life???... wahh teruja tengok makanan yang sangat banyak..dah la tengah lapar..100% seafood... yummy2...and we tried kujira (whale)...i tried fried kujira but my love ate the sashimi...huhu tak berani nk makan sashimi... tidur dalam keadaan sangat mengenyangkan...sunyinyaa tak bunyi apa pun cuma dengar deruan ombak aje...suasana yang sangat romantis gitu...tengok kat luar hanya beberapa rumah je yang nampak lampu menyala yang lain gelap gelita... kat sini semua penghuni dia tua2..sangat tua..ada rumah terbiar macam tak ada penghuni..it is said that yang muda mudi dah berhijrah ke bandar, tak suka duduk di kampung ni... masa jalan2 siang tu nampak ada seorang makcik terhendap dari tingkap rumah melihat kami ni yang nampak obviously odd especially me who wears hijab.

itula kujira(whale)...merah dan tebal isi dia tak sama macam isi ikan lain, my love told me dulu tak pasti either can eat or not kujira sebab dia mammal... tapi dah direfer orang ilmu agama dan melalui pembacaan, tak ada masalah sebab dia adalah hidupan laut bukannya dua alam etc...
Woke up that morning with the sounds of waves and seagulls...mendamaikan...kali ni otousan panggil dari bawah aje.."gooohaannn".my love and i dah lama siap2 tunggu dipanggil aje, nak turun awal2 kang nampak beria lapar kebuloq...lagi 4 orang penghuni masih nenyak tidur and we heard them woke up and open the door...
wow wii breakfast yang best jugak..tapi tak ambil gambar, lupa nak bawa kamera, lapar sangat terus turun bila dipanggil. Balik bilik kemas2 apa yang patut and we checked out at 9.30 am, otousan ajak naik yacht..wahh hati ini dah berbunga2 riang...about one hour of course with extra charge...teringin sangat..tapi kalau miss boat 10.30 am ni lambat pulak the next boat..i really want to try but my love doesn't want to..zannen desu ne huhu..takper la tak ada rezeki bergambar aje lah dengan yacht otousan ni. Jangkaan meleset ingatkan dulu kerja kapal rupanya kerja kat construction comp. and sailing is his hobby, i bet he did by himself all the laman, interior and everything..nak bergambar dengan okaasan dia tak nak...sebab tak makeup hehe..nanti tak cungss gitu..comel aje..baru aje melangkah keluar dari rumah hotel tu...tiba2 "HANIS!!!" uish terkejut lagi sekali, rupanya okaasan nak ucap farewell sebab dia kat dapur tadi mengemas... takkan ku lupa panggilan HANIS otousan ni sampai bila2 hehe...sempat merayap buat kali terakhir...sedihnya tengok pantai kat jeti ni, tapi seronok tengok budak2 duk berenang2 tapi kesian sebab limited and i've seen much more beautiful beaches back in my hometown...

with otousan...akan ku ingat panggilan askar "HANIS" sampai bila2...:)

inilah KRS yang diceritakan tadi...yang ada meow2 lepak tu pintu masuk kedai...

depan KRS kena la posing ceria2 baru tak nampak kedai tu sedih hehe...

yacht otousan yang tak sempat naik huhu...lagipun tak cukup duit jugak (pujuk hati yg kuchiwa)

berjalan buat kali terakhir di tebing pantai kecik cinonet...tengah tunggu boat, ni jiran bilik sebelah kat Marine life..mereka datang dari Kanagawa...
Semalam rasa tak sabar nak balik tapi bila duk dalam boat, rasa sayu pulak...my love and i did enjoyed it... very calm and quiet place...for other tourists rasanya lebih bermakna for them because they come from big city and hari2 pun asyik sibuk dengan kerja dalam bangunan je so it is worth it for them. Sendai is a calm city for us, so tak terasa mana la. We sat at second floor menikmati pemandangan for the last time...Thanks Tashiro and Aji... arigatai ne...

some of the views on our 35 min journey and the last picture...dah nak sampai jeti ishinomaki...

gambar tengah keboringan tunggu bas utk ke ishinomaki eki...
Bau-bau tanabata dah ada, sendai eki dah penuh dengan perhiasan Tanabata matsuri...hanabi (fireworks) hari khamis ni (Aug 5) and the decoration along the mall will be during this weekend.. zehi ikitai....

inside sendai eki and a view in front of sendai eki
here is some of meow2 pictures,..sama aje macam kucing2 yang biasa dilihat, i dedidated this to Nisa the cat lover tapi mungkin pengsan tengok kucing yang kurang kecomelannya hehe...

asalnya nak ambil gambr bunga, bila snap baru perasan ada meow tidur...syoknya dia tidur...

kat sini banyak terserempak kucing hitam..nonono..they are not the same because of different size and other criteria..

see..yang ni kaki dia ada putih sket macam pakai kasut hehe...

yang hitam ni dye bulu dia hehe..pastu kesian telinga dia tu pelik sikit huhu...

that's all hopefully nisa and other cat lovers enjoy the pics....sorry about this post which has a lot of spelling error along the way (i guess)...malas nak check hehe...but i know u'll understand the words

betul nampak sgt sunyi sepi...dira suke gi pantai yg happening tp tak le crowded sgt, mcm langkawi tu ke...tp ni sunyiiii nye...tp takpe honeymoon kene lah sunyi sepi baru romantik..hee hee...makcik krs tu lawak laaah...tergelak dira bace...comel perangai....dira dpt bayangkan lah!
Ha ah betul no more island trip in japan huhu..sebab hanis tak pernah g pulau mesia tu yang tergedik nak merasa pulau kat sini...ingtakan lebih kurang atau more happening, yer makcik tu sangat lawak rugi tak ambil gambar hehe...
puan HANIS! hehehe nak tiru gaya otousan, xdapat. lol comelnyaaaa kucing2 tuuuuuuuuuuu! geram wooo. wohohoho xtahan xtahan. lol kalau saya, habis saya cubit2 pipi kucing tu semua, kejar smpi dapat, hahah lol
nmpk sunyi lah, tapi peaceful ea?hehe but kalau ada en termimi ngan puan, alaa xsunyi terus puan tu, mesti happy ja. anywhere with your love, sgt best kan? walaupun hanya walking along ja. hehe :)
hoo and love your baju!! yang dipakai masa nk balik, kawaii! heheh :D
Nana cyg...didnt know u love cat, dedicated to u too gambar2 tu.. en termimi tak bg pegang (walaupun nk sgt pegang, my love hate catty cat) so kena la saya beradap sopan duduk sebelah ambil gambar je huhu...yes definitely, strolling down a peaceful place...just the 2 of us, romantis gitu hehe ngengada.
yeayyy i love that blouse..dia nyer skirt soft bila berangin dia beralun2...suh en termimi tengok, dia cakap ntah la sama aje takde perubahan haishh...glad i have u dearie nana to comment on fashion...
wah,sgt bestnye tempat tu ..
bestnye kalau boleh bercuti ke tempat mcm tu..
nmpk very peaceful which I think mmg pun kan Hanis??
Nadia, yup truly peaceful... just nature and nothing else...charge up during weekends..sekali sekala tengok hutan and laut = refreshing
u.. sorry sgt3x lmbt bace. lame gile x bukak blog sape2.. rindu.. mcm2 berlaku rupenye.. hee~!
1. best nye jalan2.. honeymoon tiap2 thn ek da duk sane? =)
2. nasib u kuat n x muntah.
3. comel nye train tu..
4. seme gmbr sgt lawa okay..
5. JGN MAKAN WHALE lg. mereka tngkap secare besar2an, lebih dr yg sepatutnye. lame2 whale xde lg.
6. OMG! *pengsan* tegolek2.. COMELnye.. pos dtg cni.. gmbr 1,5,7 and gmbr last. boley? hehe.. cm order dr catalog plak..
Thank u, u.. tersengih sensorg bace post nie. da la kt office. hehe..
Hanis..ketinggalan lar plak i mengomen. itu hari baca jer, tak sempat komen. ada orang puji baju, i nak puji tudung u yang bunga2 pink karer tu. manyak cantik lar!! suka2.
i suka pantai, pulau and everything with seas. best rasa nampak u p sana. ur accomodation pon wah..sungguh unik!! best lar holiday u, lain dari yg lain.
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