Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Backpackers Diary-Day 1 "Tokyo-Odaiba"

And the journey begin from this post.... semua perjalanan adalah dengan bas. Eh iklan jap..bagpack ke backpack eh? konfius la...hantam sajalah u get my point right? tapi bag takdelah sebesar traveler omputeh tu, yg ala2 nak naik gunung hehe... ok sambung cerita. Cuba bayangkan betapa hecticnya our honeymoon this time... lepas settle beli tiket and tempah penginapan, baru terfikir..mampu ke? dah lama tak naik bas, dulu selalu je dari jb ke kb time blaja... tapi itu zaman muda mudi... sekarang umur dah bertambah dan dulu dan sekarang tak sama... tapi, just go with it while u have the time and opportunity aite? The trip was planned by myself from buses, places to go and hotel, have to work hard kalau nak ajak my love jalan2... sebab itulah last time hati berbunga2 bila my love approved the plan.. kalau tak mungkin tak merasa la trip ni... I woke up early that day..we need to catch up the bus that will depart at 8 am. Kalau pergi lab pagi2 buta macam ni kan bagus... tskk T_T, trip ni tak bawa bekal, bawa bekal instant je so tak perlu masak pagi2 untuk bawa ke lab... sebab tu boleh pergi awal (err..alasan haha).
pukul 6.40 dah terpacak di depan Tohoku Fukushi Daigaku tunggu bas untuk ke bandar.... terlewat beberapa minit je... silap tengok jadual bas..nasib baik the next bas tak lama.... sampai je sendai eki terus rush ke terminal bas.. my love and i naik bas Willer express...ada macam2 jenis seat dan harga, we took... theater bas yg mana ada movie, ada game, ada blanky...etc
Beberapa malam sebelum tu i kan tak cukup tidur sebab ada happyou ingatkan nak qada dalam bas... tapi dengan list movie yang best, i ended up tak tido haishh..mesti penat jenjalan lepas ni...
tepat seperti yang dijanjikan, we arrived in front of this building near Shinjuku eki at 1.30 pm... unik... tapi tatau apa nama bangunan ni, maklum la rusa masuk kampung hehe... i dont know all those metropolitan thing in tokyo..dari tempat shopping sampai la ke bangunan yang canggih manggih..tak pernah eden amek tahu... kalau outlet boleh consider..tapi tempat2 mewah such as ginza and so on.. i really knew nothing.... we move on and walked towards Hamamatsucho eki, sebab the next bas naik kat sana... tak nak kelam kabut lebih baik cari tempat tu awal2... bak kata pepatah sediakan payung sebelim hujan...aikk macam tak kena je...takpelah..layannn.... :P
alhamdulillah senang je jumpa... dah letak our bagpack inside the coin locker we headed out...ada beberapa jam sebelum depart to our second destination... hmm nak buat apa ye?? marilah berjalan-jalan ye kawan2. Two spots came to my mind, Tokyo Tower and Odaiba.. my love ikut aje... janji sempat untuk catch up bus malam ni. Nak simpan tenaga punya pasal i don't want to walk to tokyo tower from hamamatsucho eki (which will take us about 20 min walk) i lebih rela naik bas uuuu... so sementara tunggu bas dalam pukul 3 pm... we had some drink at Tully's and untuk isi perut, beli burger udang Lotteria (makan senyap2 kat Tully's..shhh..rahsia tau...hehe mana boleh bawa makanan luar kat Tullys). Kek and donuts kat Tully's tu mahal...kena save bajet... ikut cara mathematician ^_^.
bas berhenti betul2 depan tokyo tower, yeayyy...ada scuplture apa ntah..sebab tulis kanji i don't understand a thing...
tokyo tower....cuaca sedang2 elok di tokyo...tak sejuk like sendai...i very like...
we bought our tickets and off to the first observation at the height of 150 metrers, jakun la sikit sebab tak pernah pergi KL this is our first tower experience. Saje posing kat tempat ada tulisan tokyo tower..tatau tang mana lagi nak posing...
Zozoji temple...
tq mr stranger...tu diaa tengok la muka kepenatan dan kepanasan...hehe padahal bukan berjalan pun dari hamamatsusho eki tu...
lets go to the second observatory..250 meters... kowaiii...
that is the rainbow bridge at Odaiba... 2 gambar di atas adalah view pada ketinggian 150 m, 2 gambar di bawah adalah vew pada ketinggian 250 m...ada beza tak? boleh nampak bridge tu fuller, tapi makin love and i are not a good photographer.. wish i can attend a class to improve.
some of our love at 250 m observatory deck...kat main deck tu ada stage for some show...terlepas show tu tapi mungkin tak faham of course all in japs...
mula2 tengok gambar tu nampak macam solat (eh ada bilik solat ke kat sini???) bila baca.. oohh lookdown window... nak ajak sama2 tengok window tu tapi wrong angle masa ambil gambar and just nampak palang2 besi dia je, masa tu beberapa orang tengah tunggu behind us to see the window, so we move on...
bila turun sampai level ni..lupa la, level 3 kut.. ada mini museum about tokyo tower history... zaman dolu2 sebelum tokyo tower dibina...gitulah rupanya... 
tiket yang dah dibeli dapat masuk ke dalam 2 tempat ni secara percuma, first tu japanese traditional horror...huhu tak horror langsung..menyesal plak masuk... dia punya 3dD tu buat sakit mata je, second is wax museum... abaikan pose marilyn monroe celup yang langsung tak jadi tu...
inside the wax museum... ok la not bad...cannot have high expectation macam pergi madam tussauds yer...
errr yang  belakang seksi tu..adalah Julia roberts... versi plastic surgery kut hehe... kalau tak tengok nama yang tertera sampai ke sudah i wont know...
kat sini plak ada patung2 kumpulan rockers, macam metallica, korn, the beatles pun ada...
bye2 tokyo tower... we had fun... masa ni dah jalan towards the main road...
next spot..Odaiba via Akabanebashi subway.. and change at Shidome to take the Yurikamome line that will lead my love and i directly to Odaiba...
at first a bit confuse the place is odaiba yet the stop is Daiba, serba salah dibuatnya..nasib baik nampak landmark rainbow bridge and Fuji building...yeayy it was the right stop...
keluar eki terus nampak Fuji Television building...
jalan sikit to out left nampak rainbow bridge...cantik ada lampu2.. susah la bila tak reti nak ambil night mode, so my love and i hentam je function2 auto yang ada tu.. hikhik...
wahhh soo romantik kalau boleh naik n dating dalam boat ni..maybe next time sebab kena bajet masa... Odaiba is an artificial island at tokyo bay..masa buat island ni dulu ia adalah sebagai defensive purpose...
eh u...i dah sampai New York la haha..ada mini Liberty statue di situ...and kebetulan masa lalu tu ada couple jepun ni melamar gilfren dia...wahhh soo sweett..bersaksikan statue liberty.. cheewahh...(itu ayat my love)
my love nak pose ala2 seram gitu..tapi nampak makin comel adelah hehe...(hep, sila jangan perasaan ye love)
pantang nampak kuma (beruang aka bear2, mesti nak bergambar)
night out at Odaiba...
up close to the sandy beach... ada cerita tau..we met few malaysian students...satu tu couple... biasalah kalau jumpa sesama negara at least senyum la kan lepas tu bertegur sapa maybe can ask for info and so on...ini tidak..dah nampak tapi berpaling ke arah lain, nak cepat agaknya..the next one is group of guys... pun sama... adakah rupa my love and i ni tak nampak malaysian??? for my love maybe it seems logical as for me wearing tudung and all that... tak apelah mungkin mereka tak nampak...
and then dengan masa yang seciput itu, we headed to Venus port...sebelah belakang deretan bangunan odaiba tu kena seberang jejantans several hundreds meters... lawa tempat dia nampak eksklusif ala2 shopping di eropah hehe..koya sungguh...
ada fountain...niceee....
love the surrounding..tapi sayang tak sempat jalan semua... after that we rush back to hamamatsucho eki to catch up our bus...
bus terminal at hamamatsusho eki...hotel kami pada malam tu adalah Hinomaru bas... willer tak ada service to our 2nd destination tu, so terpaksa la ambil bas ni, not bad...3 seating siap ada mini bar kat tengah tu boleh buat tea and coffee... my love and i ketiduran tak sedar dunia... what a day...

Will update soon about Day 2...till then...


Iryd and Pitt's little diary said...

bestnyeeee..teringin nk pi yg statue of liberty tu..nnti tunjuk kt iryd tau..hanis iryd try tukar font tak berjaya..huhu..sedih..:(

H A N S said...

syioknyer! tringin nyer nk g jepun. hehehe :)

ummi_khalish said...

wow....syoknyer...ish..dil plak sweet n wonderful......bilalah dapat pegi ni?huhu...n hanis,jeles tgk blog u ni..lawa..dil punya? alahai..simple je..huarghhhh.............

Hanis MY said...

Iryd...okies..will do senang je nk g Odaiba tu..

Honey! jum2..dialu2kan tau...

Dil...takpe slow2 hanis mula2 pun macam tu tak tahu apa2..nanti kalau nk tny ym la, hanis pun tahu sket2 je, template tu boleh tukar nanti hanis ajar dil k...

Kekanak Osaka said...

suka nyer your dress~~~~~ dalam pics ralit tengok your dress dari benda lain.LOL.


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