I am really not sure where to go but i really wanna go at the same spot along the river. The one i went with Mori-san and the gang. But that place is quite far from here and i has a lot of cherry blossom spot..about 8 km long of cherry blossom lane until high up to the mountain. We went alng the river but not until Shiroishi...it seems a long traffic and looks like everybody wants to picninc while enjoying the view of hanami. Most probably we went to the 1st spot. Tempat paling hujung..still jauh lagi untuk sampai ke Ogawara or Shiroishi. But it is still beautiful and breathtaking. We dont even have a mat and didn't even plan for picnic just jalan2..cuma bawa bekal muffin, coke and tea.
When we arrived, there were a lot of people walking, some are with family and some of them with dogs..tiap kali nampak doggy mesti cepat2 lari..nanti kang tak pasal2 terkena hehe.. taking a few picture..ramai org picninc..mini barbecue pun ada..the smell was really good and ada gerai jual frieds foods, nampak macam best jer..sungguh mencabar keimanan. But we have a more delicious dish which are my muffin (perasan)..since we dont have a mat we just sit at a spot under a tree and start munching.
i like..
love..tgk apa tu..looks like he's enjoying the view
the spot where we ate our bento
posing di bawah sakura yg rendang
sakura until the mountain...
tulip..but not much
menuju ke jambatan...those flowers are pretty too
on the bridge to the other side
candid..masa tu windy
finally..a picture with us in it
Since it is along the riverside, so there were two sides full of cherry trees..our side..jarak cherry tree agak jauh and the other side sangat meriah full of people and the cherry blossom pun lebat and rapat2. My love and i can also see a straight line of cherry tree up until the hillside. It was so beautiful...since it's just a compact camera, we are surely wasting our time trying to capture a bigger view. We just walk, look around and enjoying the view.
mie..bakpo aku tgk janggut mu koho panje...sipe janggut dih mung loni...
wah..bestnye tgk pokok tuh..rimbun jek..da la kaler pink..mau jek petik.........
uhuu hanisSan, kawaiiiiii...n romantic gitewww, hehehe
saya pun nk petik gak tapi takut hehe
Miss Sa:
hah..romantic ker..besa2 jer..
sakura..oh...cantek nya...
Sugoi ano sakura trees <3
they're so beautiful to look at.
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