I always wanted to have a lot of pictures with my love especially the sweet pose or maybe romantic, (he..mengadanyaaa).. i think that's normal. But my love is not really into this mushy wushy thing... he does't know how to pose so am i but if there is someone who can teach us, i think i can do that pose..just like in the magazines (itulah akibatnya kalau pernah bercita-cita nak masuk majalah.. nahh just kidding) But my love did mentioned to me several times that he was bored with all the photo shoot because he had a lot of magazines photo shoot when he was an artist once.. so called singer and actor (itulah akibatnya kalau bercita-cita nak jadi pelakon dan penyayi..hehe) Lucky now we have IrydLuvPitt photography..yup they really deserved a bussiness in photography, both are extremely good at posing and editing..
Last weekend we had picnic. Invited by mama ab, papa akmal and their cutie baby gen, as well as iryd and pitt. At first they wanted to go to Okama.. at that time we were confused because we just went there a week before but they cancelled it since it is up in the mountain, of course it is not good for baby gen. Less air and the pressure is low up there... akmal wanted to see autumn leaves.. we didn't know any other place and naruko came in mind. Last time when my parents were here, we went there because i had seminar at Kawatabi area. We did went to naruko gorge but the place were closed at that time..or maybe it was opened but by the the we went there, it was closed. This is our 2nd trip to naruko... my love lead the way..iryd n pitt with us.. siap singing in the car during our journey.. hehe..sangat la happening... the journey was smooth, but we were a bit upset autumn hasnt started here..just tid bits je.. maybe it will be around early november. bila dah nampak snow at hill top tu baru la all those trees change their colors. Naruko area is lower compare tu Zao mountain..perhaps that's the reason.. not cold enough for the trees at this time.
We had nasi lemak, bihun and roti john...yummy... lepas kenyang apa lagi iryd dah angkat2 kening ajak bergambar hehe.. i likee... By the way baby gen really get a lot of attention from all those japanese people..they really do love babies..siap jenguk2 kat stroller lagi.. so nice of them. Here are some of the photos taken. They really have brilliant ideas hehe..my love and i were called "muka ketat" because of the expression that we tried to make/followed were failed and we have to do it several times... haha... really funny.. but we did enjoyed it. it seems like there will be more nice photos and nice sceneries in japan... yeayyy...

auw..romantiks nya!!!!!!
qila suke :)..hehe
abg akak sangat sporting bergambar
may u guys live happily ever after!
yuhuu..hehe..biasa2 jer...thanks a lot dear..anata mo happily everafter.
wa...maken fotogenik la pn hanis...hehehhe...
wuhuu...komen yang membina hehe yer la blaja skit2 dgn u all la, asik tengok u all posing2 je hehe..esp kat lab tu.. ;)...
wah mummy sama daddy..suda mula fotogedix2 ya..hehe..comei2..maintain awet muda tuh..
i lyke..~
hepi 2 both of u..
chaaa...yer la bila lagi nak berfoto2 macam ni..sebab dulu tak sempat..he..comei ker? i like too ..nanti cha pun mesti berphoto sakan on ur wedding day hehe ;)..
cantik2 nye gambar!!
haa..merajuk ape tu hanis smp hero mu sudah dtg untuk pujuk..hee hee
ske sgt romantic.. =) but y u so kurus? x mkn ke?
Bagus lah........gembira nampaknya.
Dira..thanks..ala merajuk tipu2 jer tu cameraman yg suruh hehe...
Nisa dear..kurus? i makan cam biasa je...berat pun naik 1 kg.huhu, dh autumn ni lg la nak makan..sebab sejuk..so salu lapar hehe..
Pak Man..terima kasih.. :)
kak hanis..sgt sweet gmbr2 itew.bt the way..u two really are the sweet couples-kak hanis with hubby and also kak iryad with her hubby.really sweeet..
nini..tq2..i like..tak sabar nk tgk turn nini plak..hehe..
comel betul pemandangan di kawasan bukit tu..begitu juga gambar2 aksi romantik tu..sweet sangat!! semoga berbahagia ye dik..;)
Kak Eiya..terima kasih..aminn.. insyaAllah.. sebab ada yang suruh posing..kalau tak, mesti tak ada gambar2 romantik tu hehe..
Semua gambar hebat belaka. Teruja nak jejak kaki ke sana. Didoakan bahagia selalu di negeri orang mahu pun di negeri sendiri kelak.Puan Hanis kekal jelita, Tuan Termimi sedikit berisi tapi jangan risau, masih kacak.
Inspirasi Insan,
Bandar Satelit Islam
bibi...indah sungguh bahasa tuan hamba, patik kagum..hehe, ada blog rupanya, already add yours in my list. thanks a lot for dropping by, lepas ni drop by kat sendai plak k, we'll be waiting..:))
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