su's yukata, baru je beli the night before, mine same like last year, our zori...lenguh kalau jalan lama sangat because it's the cheap type..keras sket, yang mahal and lembut tu baru selesa tapi mahal sangat la lagipun pakai untuk event ni je, sebab nak match dgn yukata punya pasal hehe..ingatkan dekat je jalan from Su's house, tapi jauhnya boleh tahan jugak huhu...
the journey...sweet couple, complete set of man and woman yukata...
along the journey...ada tanabata decoration at the river...kawai ne..
hanabi started tepat jam 7.30 malam...
susah betul nak capture, i'm not used with the manual function, plus no tripod huhu...
kawaiii..macam ala2 planet zuhrah, shooting star...milky way..hehe
smiley hanabi!, and love too!..err yang kedua kanan atas tu ubat nyamuk, bley gitu? hehe...
a cube! i imagine it as a box of chocolate..yummy...
hujan emas..:D
a night to remember...
daisuki desu...
i just captured the moment, and alhamdulillah some of it seems nice...
last but not least...just like the starry starry night... looks like stars but its hanabi...
It was fun wearing yukata with my sendai friends... Thanks love coz for giving me the chance to tag along with Su, but i really hope that you was by my side...semoga ada rezeki for next year's hanabi...

tomey nye fireworks tuh..lg2 y smiley tuh....hehe~
waa nk baju mcm pn hanis pkai tuh...huhu~ble la dpt peluang kan...
comelkan..seronok sgt tgk hanabi hari tu..bleh2 nanti pinjam yukata sy jer..saya dah terror pakai (haha persanan) nk order pom bley t sy poskan...
waa bestnyee
ahh..comelllll je..xde yg love2 ke?hehe..
wah..baju tuh kalo kai time outdoor photoshot pn cantek kn..hehe..tgu mummy alek,cha pinjam ek..hehe..kte same size je kot.:P
aik, kenapa your love tak dapat join sekali?
kelakar hanabi, ada ubat nyamuk. depa pun ada ubat nyamuk lingkar2 cam kiter ek.
Dira..thanks dear..mmg best!
Cha..ohooo..sompek ajo mummy balik ni cha belum wedding kan, t leh pinjam tuk outdoor photoshoot..hehe
Fara..dia ada seminar huhu abis lambat, sempat je dia nk dtg tgk tapi dia malas nak jalan... yup kat sini ada ubat nyamuk lingkar time2 summer ni hehe..tapi tak pernah beli coz takde nyamuk pun stakat ni kat tempat hanis.. maybe certain place kut ada nyamuk...
Selamat Berpuasa.
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