Dah lama rasanya tak berdating di taman bunga with my love. Tahun ni terlepas tengok tulip huhu. Sebagai miss flower i really cannot bear the feeling not seeing the flower for a certain time. I know its hard to invite my love. Kalau selalu dapat bunga ok lah juga kan hehe... perasaan nak pergi tengok bunga tu mesti berkurang sikit (
on the way...wahh ada momiji (maple) yang dah bertukar warna!
some of the view along the way..comel tak scarecrow tu? doraemon gitu...
pagi tu agak sejuk dan berkabus... at the temperature of 18 degrees... tapi tengah hari tu makin panas sikit...
dah sampai....COKO festa (COKO=COsmos + KOkia)
suka pokok ni sebab bentuk daun dia unik kan? comelll...
colors of early autumn...
masuk je entrance nampak lembu ni... bukan piggy tau tapi lembu...
ada concert tapi tak sempat tengok... "ralit" walking around the park...
walaupun tak secantik dan secolorful tulip..tapi masih rasa enjoy...
left view...
right view...
peek a boo! kalau pakai baju merah confirm temggelam siap boleh camouflage lagi...
i likeee...
mr bee and mr ant
dari aksi my love ni tahu dia boring, maklum lah datang tengok bunga huhu.. lepas main baling2 botol my love terus tanya..."mana nyer bunga cosmos... kata nak tengok cosmos"...hehe... apapun thank u soo much my love..mmuuahh...
smile! aishiteru my love
another view...
posing sikit...
my love's fav spot... kat belakang dinding ada waterfall...kena naik and turun tangga
the waterfall...
the lake...
the brigde...i likee...
cosmos! kat bunga ni banyak sangat bumble bees, kena careful kalau nak posing dekat2 nanti kacau mr bee tengah buat kerja...bahayaaa...
miss flower riang gumbira...
more cosmos...
teratai...suka jugak..dulu pernah berangan nak tengok teratai kat tasik chini tapi tak pernah kesampaian...hu
rimbunan cosmos...
up close and personal...
presenting.... the kokia...(ala2 sebutan popia la plak...)
:) ureshii ne
i like this view it looks classic... macam dalam movie (tak kuasa...jangan layan i ngada2 ok)
tatau la kenapa nak posing dengan pokok tu..layannn... :P
bright yellow cosmos! cantik kan?
up close...banyak betul butterflies...
ladang cosmos yang colorful tu sebenarnya kat belakang (refer top picture) tapi dah habis bunganya, we were too late..takpela at least boleh tengok ladang cosmos kuning ni and there are some more cosmos tidbits at the center of the park..near the pond...
cosmos and butterfly...
banyak butterfly kaler oren ni... matching with yellow cosmos (huu yang ni pun nak kena matching ke? ingatkan baju je)
dragonfly (my love called tuyuk, wheras me called it putik beliung... haha...)
nice views...
i think this is wild flowers seen it at my campus and also by the road side... sore mo kawaii ne.. (that flower is also cute...)
other type of cosmos..but i forgot the name...
one last view before headed to kokia...
tak banyak pun ambil gambar kokia, but i will post in my next entry k, hope u guys enjoy the pics..

salam hanis,
bestnya bunga, musim bunga ke skrang ni?
Tq follow my blog..
W'salam..hi umiey...hehe sama2, tak skrg dah masuk musim luruh tapi masih ada saki baki bunga..yg masih berbunga di awal musim luruh..
lawanya park tu...
fadhilah..yup2 i likee..sayang g skejap je tak sempat nak guling2 macam endustan hehe..
wah best...dulu teringin nak bljr sampai oversea...dpt rasa iklim lain dr malaysia...tapi skrg bru hbis degree dah tension nak smbung....btw...nice...suke bc blog psal life kat negara lain..=D
haluu man.. insyaAllah ada peluang nanti... akak dulu degree n master pun mesia je, skrg ni je baru merasa study oversea...
nice =)
wahhh..nampak best..nanti bincang ngan pitt balik sama ade nak pi yamagata or michinoku..huhu..nak tgk bunga..:)
Iryd..selamat tengok bunga...g la best, yamagata tu kena search la hanis pun tatau katner..
haniiiiiiisssssssssssss!!! cantek sgt scenery situ..wuwuw..jeles. hehehe..suker tgk maple leaf tu, tringt kabhi kushi kabhi gham, ahaks! :P
honeyyyy...auuww lomentiknya honey ni i likeee hehe... jum la dtg lawat hanis k nanti kita g jln...
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