As usual i am the model yang tak pandai posing, ketandusan idea to pose plus holding all those stuffs susah nak posing (cover sket) but who cares just enjoy the moment while posing hehe. selalu snow lebat time nk g lab instead of waktu bersenang lenang where i can play with the snow hehe. There's different when snow comes down at the temperature below 0 degrees, it is softer and lighter, while above 0 degrees a bit wetty, yet still fine. Tatau pun pasal ni, knew about it from Artur, from Poland he's a postdoc at my lab, masa snow turun tu dia pun excited suruh ambil gambar dia.... unbelievable... Takde la tebal mana pun but heaviest so far and in sendai jarang snow lebat macam ni..let's take a look at those pictures...
Kaki...bukan kaki yang ada jari tu hehe... we jnew nothing about this matsuri (festival). Nasib ada Cik Nab and El, at firts cik nab roger via ym, "eh wiken ni free? nak ajak g somewhere" lepas tu el plak roger..."uuu jum g kaki matsuri, leh makan free" As far as i know kaki is pisang kaki they called it kaki too in japan. cuma tak ada la pisang tu kat depan just kaki je. Little did i know another kaki is oyster...wallahh... my love and i love seafood, nak2 kaki and hotate yummy, so i asked my love nak pergi tak and he seems ok with that..On sunday morning after breakfast kenyang2 went to pick up Cik Nab and after that el... alhamdulillah tak jem and manage to find car park easily, ada sorang aunty ni made her garden as parking lot which cost only 500 yen for one whole day park..yahuuu...wonderful...sempat lagi makcik ni buat bisnes nasib baik charge murah. Maka berjalan la headed towards the seaside up ahead...nasib pergi dengan otai nihon, both of them look at the map and seek the booth to get free kaki. And we started to queue masa tu not so long tengah posing2 jap alih panjang sampai ke belakang...waa...nasib baik awal sikit jer hehe... love candid...
the queue...boleh amek 2 je kaki free...
tak sah kalau tak berfoto bersama..wah sungguh cun mereka posing i likeee...
kaki bakar baunya..menusuk kalbu....getting closer.. i come...
pakcik yang sangat kewl.and sporting..siap buat gaya ala2 hip hop gitu..yo yo...hehe.. sebab sedap sangat (because we love seafood) so we bought 1 big plastic, sangat murah, pakcik tu cakap ada ruang untuk bakar kat sebelah tu... open area...yeayy..
tadaaa...this is the area...quite big yet full jenuh jugak nak cari tempat bakar yang kosong.. ada stage kecik with some performance..patut la pakcik tu berhip hop ada artist jemputan nyanyi hip hop hehe..kebetulan..
anither view..semua orang khusyuk berkaki
yeayy finally our own spot..tak bawa apa pun nasib my love bawa kicap lemon..
yummy kaki...
bila dah terbuka sendiri..tandanya..nearly ready, yummy...
finally our love khusyuk sgt smpai tak nak berfoto..hehe..
my love and i jaga tempat and they went to search for wii..totemo oishii
thanks guyss for a superb it..

best nye dpt main snow :))
wow sejuk2 pun ade acara panggang seafood ye meriahnyaaaa..! tebal nye snow..woh!
the pix super gojes..sgt cantik.. dgn org tersayang disisi semangatkan...:) tapi sempat main ap je sebab nk g school huhu...
Dira, skrg mmg musim kaki, sebab tu jual dgn murah..selain musim ni semua yg dijual tu kaki frozen tak fresh...
Nadia..thanks a lot..hehe..yup best sama2 bg semangat to each other...
yuki!! suteki!!
suki desu!
suke la winter coat akak...merah kotak2..cantik ;)
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